+1 this is one of the most requested features.

One work around for svn switch --relocate if you're using the svn+ssh
protocol is to set up Hosts in .ssh/config.  Since svn/Versions can use the
Host in the URL, then all you need to do when you switch the server
is change the HostName associated with the Host:

# ~/.ssh/config

Host myserver
HostName myserver.example.com
User myusern...@example.com
Password mypassword

In Versions, the repo would be svn+ssh://myserver/path/to/repo
If you move from myserver.example.com to myserver.example-2.com, just change
your config and svn will never be the wiser:

# ~/.ssh/config

Host myserver
HostName myserver.example-2.com
User myusern...@example.com
Password mypassword

This will only work with newly checked out projects using the ssh Host
though, so not really a solution for the OP.


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