On Mar 11, 2009, at 11:34 AM, GavinEadie wrote:

I've read a lot about tagging and branching in this group and I may be
as confused as some others but I used Versions to create a local repo
(on a large jump drive).  Part of my confusion was that the Versions
"Create a new local repo..." menu pick doesn't create 'trunk',
'branch' or 'tag' folders.

The result is that I have, essentially, a trunk with no branch or tag

(1) Can I add those after the fact (I've not done it yet for fear of
losing history), and continue in a more conventional manner.

You certainly can—just create the directories in the proper locations and commit. However, when I tested local repository creation, it didn't create a "trunk" folder at all, just a repository with the standard root-level directory. This being the case, what you'll probably want to do it create 3 directories at the root level, entitled "trunk". "branches" and "tags". Commit those 3 directories to the repository. Now move everything else at the root level into "trunk" and commit.

You needn't fear losing history—Subversion stores versioning data for directories as well as files, so you can `svn move` a directory (or move it in Versions) and retain all the history.

(2) Would it make sense for Versions to create that folder structure
(or offer an option to do so)?

Although the trunk/tags/branches paradigm is the standard, many people use a different repository layout for organizing multiple projects, etc. Some people may not even care about tags or branches for their repository. Since not everyone uses the same layout, the current approach is most flexible, perhaps at the cost of some potential user confusion. As stated above, though, the structure can be changed at any time. This means that if a new SVN user happens to create a repository "the wrong way", this can be easily remedied later when they realize they want to change the structure.

If you're still nervous about history, create a new repository, add a few dummy commits, then add the trunk/branches/tags and move files as suggested in step one. Just make sure you do all the changes through Subversion (either in Versions or with the svn command, not just dragging in Finder) and you'll be fine.

 - Quinn

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