I haven't done it from inside Versions myself, but this page may help explain/demonstrate how it may be done.


Note the last section: "Permanently using FileMerge". You can edit your config file to have every SVN client on your machine use a specific diff/diff3 command each time.

Hope that helps,
 - Quinn

On Mar 31, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Simon wrote:

I'm new to SVN (used Perforce before) and myself and one other guy are
working on a project, but I don't understand how to get a 3 way merge
to trigger when resolving conflicts: it seems to spew >>>>>> all over
my code, and I have to edit it by hand.

How do you make a 3 way merge work? I have local changes, and I want
to merge in repository committed changes.

Sorry for the n000b'ness!

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