
I posted about this back in December and had given up since nobody
replied, and eventually ended up resorting to BBEdit.  Blah.

Your answer didn't address my issue directly, but the tip about how
Versions uses opendiff was the clue I needed.  I had removed all of
the development tools and moved FileMerge into my regular /
Applications/Utilities folder.

All I needed to do was copy opendiff from the install DVD into my /usr/
bin.  Running the "xcode-select" commands you mention wasn't at all
necessary to get it working in my case.

FYI - To get opendiff from the DVD without reinstalling everything

1. Open the DVD and "View Package Contents" of the
"DeveloperTools.pkg" file in the packages folder.
2. Copy the "Archive.pax.gz" file to your hard disk and extract it.
3. Inside the finished "Archive" folder you'll find a /usr/bin folder
with opendiff inside.
4. Copy the opendiff app from there to your /usr/bin on your machine.
You may need to use the "Go To Folder" menu in the Finder's "Go" menu
to get to yours if you're not comfortable using the command-line.
5. You can also copy FileMerge from the /Developer/Applications/
Utilities folder if you need it again.

Those exact steps got FileMerge working for me again in Versions
without having to install the rest of the developer tools.  YMMV of
course :)  Thanks again!

On Apr 28, 3:42 pm, Dirk Stoop <d...@madebysofa.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Short version: run "sudo xcode-select -switch /Developer" in a
> Terminal.  That should fix it. (fingers crossed)
> Long version:
> Versions uses the "opendiff" command-line tool – also part of a
> default Developer tools installation – to launch FileMerge.
> Normally when you install the developer tools, a shell script, also
> aptly named "opendiff" is installed at "/usr/bin/opendiff".  The sole
> purpose of that shell script is to somehow figure out where the real
> opendiff command-line tool is located (normally at /Developer/usr/bin/
> opendiff).  The opendiff shell script uses yet another command-line
> utility that's included with Xcode, "xcode-select" (also used to
> switch between different Xcode installations on one Mac) to do this.
> This opendiff script is the thing Versions tries to execute when you
> use FileMerge, if it does not exist, Versions looks in the most likely
> spot for the real opendiff command.
> I bet that if you open up a Terminal window on your Mac and run "xcode-
> select -print-path", it will print out "/Developer3.0".
> If that's indeed what you get, run "sudo xcode-select -switch /
> Developer" and everything should be fine, including the functionality
> of any other parts of the Developer tools or third-party apps that
> depend on this xcode-path to be set correctly.
> If I'm wrong, let me know, and we'll keep on looking. :)
> Cheers,
> - Dirk
> On Apr 27, 8:53 pm, Chris Williams <chriswilli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm not quite sure what's going on but Versions is complaining that it
> > can't find FileMerge: "FileMerge Error - The FileMerge application
> > could not be located. Please install Xcdoe Tools from the Apple
> > Developer website". I actually already have FM installed and can run
> > it stand-alone. It's located in /Developer/Applications/Utilities
> > which I believe is the default location.
> > One other clue that might help explain is that I originally had Xcode
> > installed in another directory: /Developer3.0. I've since moved
> > everything so it should be back to the defaults that Versions is
> > looking for..
> > Any ideas? Should I trash my preferences or something?
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