I should have been more specific, my mistake. The propedit subcommand doesn't accept a --recursive option, because editing properties is specific to a given file or directory. However, the propset command *does* accept --recursive, but it will blow away whatever properties may already exist at any affected node. When used on a working copy path, any such changes can easily be reverted, but it does call for some caution.

The global-ignores variable is extremely useful, but remember that it is client-specific: only your machine and user account will be affected. It doesn't set any properties on repository resources, it only tells local SVN queries to ignore those files. That means that if you collaborate with someone else, and they don't have the same global- ignores set, they're likely to see the files you don't. This is one reason why svn:ignore properties are helpful, especially for directories in which files meant to be unversioned are (or are likely to be) created.

Even so, I agree that it could be nice to be able to add a pattern to the svn-ignore property for multiple directories at once. Even more so to be able to add/remove file properties en masse, such as keywords, MIME type, etc. This would require some clever UI for editing multiple items (perhaps somewhat like the Inspector panel in Finder) and some extra work on the part of Versions, but it's not impossible by any means. I'd definitely welcome the feature if it were added.

 - Quinn

On May 27, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Daniel James wrote:

Yay.  I found a solution.  I'm sure others will run into this, so I'm
posting the solution here.

You need to modify the global-ignores variable in the subversion
configuration file at ~/.subversion/config.  You'll find it in the
[miscellany] section near the bottom.

Still would be nice to have this feature built in to Versions!

On May 27, 9:51 am, Daniel James <danieljam...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hmm.  This doesn't seem to work.  I've just updated to Subversion
1.6.2 from collabnet.

svn propedit -R
Subcommand 'propedit' doesn't accept option '-R [--recursive]'

More looking around and I came upon these options:

run this command in the terminal every time I create a directory:
find somedir -type d -exec svn propedit svn:ignore {} \;

or... nothing.  auto-props only apply to files and svn:ignore has to
be applied to directories.

I've read that TortoiseSVN has this feature, so I'm officially
requesting it for Versions as well. This would be very useful, and in
the meantime there isn't really a reasonable alternative.

On May 25, 9:07 pm, Quinn Taylor <quinntay...@mac.com> wrote:

Yes, it will.

On May 25, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Daniel James wrote:
Would this work from the command line at least, assuming I have the
right version of the command-line tools installed?

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