+1 I would love this feature too. Subversive (Eclipse plugin) allows for the same thing with checkboxes, and when I need it, it's incredibly useful.

 - Quinn

On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:40 AM, Mantic wrote:

One of the few things I like about Tortoise CVS on Windows is the
ability to deselect files to include in a commit in the commit window

With any normal commit, I merely select the root, hit commit, and I'm
done.  In my example, I have 20+ files to commit, and only 1 that I DO
NOT want to commit. It's very annoying to manually select all the
files, except that one, then commit. It would be nice to select the
root, hit commit, then in the commit window: deselect that one file,
then finish.

-Mike W.

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