That's true, but not all projects are structured in a way that is conducive to 
this approach, and many people work in repositories for which they do not 
control structure.

Additionally, I recently realized this feature is already supported by Xcode 4 
(currently in developer preview) as well as the numerous other existing SVN 
clients. The ability to filter down the resources to be committed is not a 
pie-in-the-sky feature, it's practical and rather straightforward to implement. 
I fully expect to see it in a future release of Versions. (If not, I'll 
probably be using Xcode 4 for SVN a lot more.)

 - Quinn

On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:53 PM, pelted wrote:

> Another solution to conceder would be to check out your project in
> parts. Granted this relies heavily on a code structure that would
> allow it, but with the right balance of structure, discipline and
> svn:externals functionality you can modularize most well formed code
> bases.
> On Jan 10, 11:45 am, Quinn Taylor <> wrote:
>> This is a workaround, but definitely annoying. Command-clicking sometimes 
>> works, but sometimes not. For example, if I want to commit changes to a 
>> directory's properties, but not changes within the directory itself. I end 
>> up having to use Terminal and the --depth option.
>> I requested the addition of checkboxes in the commit dialog as well. 
>> TortoiseSVN and Eclipse's SVN plugins allow for this type of behavior, and 
>> Versions should do the same.
>>  - Quinn

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