<<inline: Screen shot 2011-03-02 at 7.32.34 AM.png>>

I have "View > Show Updates from Repository" enabled, and it's mildly annoying 
that files added on the server have a generic document icon; it makes glancing 
at the icon to infer what type it is rather useless. Using -[NSWorkspace 
iconForFileType:] (rather than -iconForFile:) it's trivial to get an icon using 
just a file extension. Since you're displaying only the standard icon (rather 
than a preview icon for images, etc.) you could even cache icons in an 
application-static dictionary (keyed by file extension) to reduce memory use 
and make lookups really fast. (I have no idea how you're implementing it now, 
just an idea.)

  - Quinn

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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