OK, the characters that don't currently work (at the IoA) are:
\odot \circ \AA \propto and \sim

though \circ \sim and \propto probably aren't that useful.

I also have a bug where setting the y axis to 0.0 - 0.4 with 5 major
ticks and 20 minor ticks results in the central (0.2) minor and major
tick not being on top of each other. Other similar combinations (i.e
0.00 - 0.04) work perfectly, which is odd.

I have a veusz save to show what I mean:



On 4/18/05, Jeremy Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005, Jamie C wrote:
> > Also \odot and \circ don't work, which is a real problem since the two
> > graphs in my paper I want to use veusz for have solar masses and
> > inclination as their x-axes.
> I added odot and circ. There's also a \deg, which gives you a degree
> symbol. It looks like some fonts have better character support than
> others, so I may have to investigate this. Maybe I need to change font for
> the special symbols...
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.jeremysanders.net/                Cambridge, UK
> Public Key Server PGP Key ID: E1AAE053

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