On 12/12/11 10:04, schnumbl _ wrote:
Hi together,

if we want to get more Veusz users and supporters in my opinion
the migration from other products should be as easy as possible.

A. Therfore I would like to give a high priority to point

2. Data imports - possible formats

Here I suggest to concentrate on the already mentioned formats
-ODS (OpenOffice Calc)
-XLS, XLSX (Excel)

I also would like to add following formats to the wishlist:
- Gnuplot
- Matlab figures (*.fig, *.m)
- SigmaPlot (*.jnb)
- ParaView (*.pvd)

For Gnuplot and Matlab the import plugin could do more then
reading numeric data. That would require some kind of parser to translate
plot commands.

B. All common spreadsheet formats should not only be considered for import, but
also for export.

C. In other products (Excel, SigmaPlot) it is common to select several
columns to to generate for example single x - many y plots.
Migrating users might miss this "behaviour". Therefore the

7. Improve data editing
   - spreadsheet mode to examine multiple datasets
   - select multiple datasets in dataset browser

in combination with the wish of Johan

"would like to be able to create groups for datasets"

deserves some attention.

D. For point "6. Improve LaTeX support" my vision would be a fully featured
equation editor that does not only support Latex, but also OpenOffice Math, 
MathML, ect.

There is a python project "MiraMath". Maybe it would be possible to
embed MiraMath in Veuzs and vise versa. MiraMath is in pre-alpha state and I 
dont know
If they are aware of the possibilities Veusz could provide for them.

Here is a collection of links for "equation inspiration":

- MiraMath: Python project that wants to offer a free alternative to MathCad

- MathType: Commerical equation editor. There is a long list with common 
equation formats.
It works with about 500 applications and web sides.

- MiraiMath: Java based Octave GUI with "WYSIWYG equations"

- Smath Studio: MathCad clone, written in .NET

- OpenOffice Math

Seems like good ideas. I suspect it might be hard to reproduce the equation behaviour of these packages. The best bet might be to use mathjax to do the mathml/latex, or run latex externally. The problem with mathjax is that it's in javascript, so we need a web browser or to convert it.


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