On 02/14/2013 09:44 PM, Mirco Schmidt wrote:

excuse my repost, but to me it seems this mail never reached the list as
I didn't get it…

I think it did make it - it's here on the list twice.

This time I need to know how to show a label for every Month and not
only the 2nd month on the X-Axis.  And on the Y-Axis how I can show the
real value without the exponentiate.

You can increase the number of ticks on the X-axis by going to the major ticks formatting tab for the axis, and increasing the number. This should get you ticks every month.

For the Y axis, go to the tick number formatting tab. Enter %f in the Format option. I should add this as an option in the drop down list and improve the helping tool tips.

To have it perfect I'ld love make the Y-Axis  show unproportianel
value's, this way the small value's would still be readable…

I've implemented "broken axes" for the next release, so hopefully this will help you. This allows gaps in the axis.

And additionally I plan to do an automated plot from commandline. The
plan is to create a VSZ file with all the settings and then plot it on a
regular basis from cron. But sadly I only found that docu:
http://home.gna.org/veusz/docs/ it mentions the CLI only with a few
sentences. Is there more information available?

As in your private email, the man page documents things a bit better. I should paste it into the manual. You want something like

veusz --export foo.png foo.vsz


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