
Some more Veusz requests.

(1) Fits Import & WCS. As a follow-up to Christian Ambrose's query on fits file 
imports, I would find it useful to have a function, either on the import step 
or later, to reset the WCS header data on 2d datasets, I.e. Set the CRPIX1/2, 
CRVAL1/2 and CDELT1/2 values to 1. This means that each pixel co-ordinates is 
just the matrix position. This would obviously be useful mainly for data that 
has square pixels.

(2) Expanding operations to include 2D datasets. As far as I can see, 
Operations only happen on 1d datasets, is this correct? If so, I would like to 
be able to expand this to 2D dataset where appropriate. For example, I would 
like to be able to filter images to mask out low values, setting them to Nan, 
so they are not plotted. You can do this with Transparent data, but it's a 
pain. You would probably need a generic value name for the data for the filter 
function, e.g. '($DATA<10)'

(3) Graph Axis Sizes. At the moment, the size of the plotting area is 
controlled by the page size less the margins, in both directions - this can be 
a computational pain. It would be good to be able to set the axis lengths 
absolutely, especially for 2–d plotting of square pixels where the matrix 
dimensions are not the same. I would presume that the margins would then be 
recomputed automatically.

Thanks again for a great application,

Mark Durré
Ph.D. Student
Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218, Hawthorn
Victoria 3122, Australia
Email: mdu...@swin.edu.au<mailto:mdu...@swin.edu.au>

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