
A year ago I wrote a prototype of an import plugin framework for HDF5-Files in 


I utilized the pytables framework for the plugin.
The code may be not operable for every purpose since it depends on a certain 
structure of HDF5 files tailored for one of my customers,
but this can be changed easily.

This code was unfinished, untested and therfore never made its way upstream.
I would like to contribute to a project  to integrate HDF5 into veusz.

Not only import but also output of HDF5 is of importance. The VEUSZ data format 
is not capable of dealing with
large datasets. With the HDF5 plugin my customer was able to visualize terabyte 
large HDF5 datasets, but was not capable to save them since
the veusz data format is nether binary nor packed.



   inqbus  it-consulting       Dr.  Volker Jaenisch
   Richard-Strauß-Str. 1       +49(08861) 690 474 0
   86956   Schongau-West       http://www.inqbus.de

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