Dear Jeremy,

It looks like 1.23.1-test works fine! 

I wonder, whether the "older" filtering facility (as opposed to the "new" 
plugin) is rudimentary now and should be removed? I tried (using "older" way) 
to make a filtered dataset based on another filtered one, and it didn't work, 
whereas the "new" plugin handles this well.

I have two (hopefully not time-consuming!) feature requests, namely:
- Is it possible to add named colours (in addition to 'white', 'black', etc.) 
to custom definitions? This way I could easily name colours for particular 
series of data, and change their values throughout the entire document. 
- I am working a lot with stat. distributions, also on masked data. In the 
boxplot-widget (whiskers) it is not possible to enter an expression to 
evaluate, as opposed to, e.g., the normal 'xy'. Is it much work to make them 
evaluable, too? The point is that I could directly multiply the dataset with a 
filtering mask, instead of creating additional filtered datasets....

Many thanks and best regards,

Dr. Sergey S. Gromov
Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry Division
Global Observations Group, CARIBIC ( )
Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, D-55128 Mainz
Phone: +49 (0)6131 305 4615

From: Veusz-discuss [] on behalf of Jeremy Sanders 
Sent: 14 June 2015 12:50
Subject: Re: [Veusz-discuss] Veusz 1.23.1 test release

On 06/14/2015 11:32 AM, Jeremy Sanders wrote:
> Sigh. There was another problem, but only in the linux binary release.
> Please download again if you're using that.

This time I broke the data edit dialog box, so download again...


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