On 8/5/2015 8:34 AM, Michael Clerx wrote:
> I'm using Veusz to create 2D scatterplots for a large number of
> x-coordinates. Because the x-axis is subdivided into different regions
> I'd like to add some visual reference showing that, for example, the
> interval [127, 150] is segment 1, while the interval [159, 178] is
> segment 2. I was hoping to use shapes for this, but it seems I can
> only specify their widths as a fraction of the figure size.
> Can anyone think of a clever way to accomplish this?

Hi Michael,
  If you add a line shape, you can change its "Position mode" from
"relative" to "axes" and the "Mode" to "point-to-point". In that case,
you can specify the exact axes-units coordinates for the start and end
points of the lines, so you could have say a line running from (127, 5)
to (150, 5) to indicate the segment, or whatever may be appropriate for
your data. I hope this helps with what you want to accomplish!


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