Revision: 4507

Author:   clrg
Date:     2013-04-07 01:25:50 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2013)
Log Message:
Quick test case for large text

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/org.vexi-vexi.widgets/src_poke/poke/widgets/largetext.txt
--- trunk/org.vexi-vexi.widgets/src_poke/poke/widgets/largetext.txt             
                (rev 0)
+++ trunk/org.vexi-vexi.widgets/src_poke/poke/widgets/largetext.txt     
2013-04-07 01:25:50 UTC (rev 4507)
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+==Absenteeism, Sickness and Disability Discrimination Issues==
+Most employees during their working lives will occasionally require a few days 
off because of sickness or personal problems.  However, how is the employer to 
act when faced with persistent absenteeism or a long-term ill health issue?  
This fact sheet considers how you can deal with either situation and when a 
subsequent dismissal on these grounds might be considered to be fair. 
Disability and discrimination under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 is 
also examined as it may impact on ill health issues.
+====Dealing with persistent absenteeism====
+The ACAS Handbook on Discipline at Work provides a useful starting point on 
how to handle frequent short-term absenteeism.  ACAS suggests that you should:
+* Investigate absences properly and request an explanation from the employee.
+* Where the employee produces no medical evidence to support time off or there 
is no underlying medical issue, the employee should be asked to consult a 
doctor to establish whether medical treatment is necessary and whether the 
reason for the absences acould be work-related.
+* If, after detailed investigation, no adequate reasons are given for the 
absences, then the matter should be dealt with using the disciplinary procedure.
+* In all cases, the employee should be told what improvements in attendance 
are required and what the consequences will be if there is no, or no 
significant, improvement.
+ACAS emphasise the need to deal with the problem promptly, firmly and 
+Although after a certain level of absence an employer can draw the line, there 
is no set number of days after which a dismissal becomes fair.  Employers must 
have regard to all the surrounding circumstances and having regard to the 
individual concerned.  Failure to do so may make the dismissal unfair.
+====The key points to follow====
+* A fair review must be made by the employer of the attendance record of the 
employee (both the frequency of absences and the duration) and the reasons 
given for the absences considered.
+* The employee must be given the opportunity to make representations to 
explain the absences.
+* A fair warnings procedure should be implemented which gives the employee an 
opportunity to improve the attendance record and sets out the disciplinary 
action that may follow if there is no improvement.
+* After, having followed a fair warnings procedure, and dismissing the 
employee is contemplated, the employer must  comply with the employer's 
dismissal and disciplinary procedures.
+====Long-term ill-health issues====
+It is possible for an employer to fairly dismiss an employee who has been, or 
will be, absent for a long time due to ill-health.  In order for an employer to 
do so, they have to be able to demonstrate that they acted reasonably and 
fairly, both in treating that reason as a sufficient reason to dismiss and in 
the dismissal procedure adopted.  An employee is entitled to a sympathetic 
response, but the employer can only be expected to act within sensible limits.  
The key questions to be asked are:
+* How long has the employment lasted?
+* How long was the employment expected to continue?
+* What is the nature of the employee\x92s job?
+* What is the employee\x92s past sickness record?
+* What is the nature, effect and anticipated length of the illness?
+* What are the requirements of the business for the work to be done and could 
a replacement be engaged to do that particular job?
+* Is it envisaged the employee may return to work and, if so, when?
+* Could the employee be offered an alternative position more suitable to their 
state of health?
+The first step is to obtain sufficient information about the nature of the 
employee\x92s illness.  The employer should make all necessary enquiries from 
the employee, their doctor or consultant and, if possible, ask the employee to 
undergo a medical examination by the employer\x92s own medical advisors.  
Before an application can be made to the employee\x92s doctor or consultant for 
a medical report, the employer must first notify the employee and obtain their 
consent in writing to the medical report being obtained.  Where the employee is 
under the care of a consultant or specialist, it is generally preferable that 
they provide the medical report rather than the employee\x92s GP.  There will 
be a fee to pay for the preparation of the medical report.
+If an employee refuses to agree to a medical report or refuses to undergo a 
medical examination, the employer will be entitled to act on the facts 
currently available.
+In order for a dismissal to be potentially fair, meaningful consultation must 
take place with the employee (and any representative) before any decision to 
dismiss is made.  The purpose behind such consultation is to weigh up the 
situation, balancing the need of the employer to get the work done against the 
employee\x92s need for time off in order to recover their health.
+If, having fully explored the medical position with the employee and having 
looked into steps that could be taken to enable the employee to return to work 
in any capacity, and dismissing the employee is contemplated, the employer must 
follow the employer's dismissal and disciplinary procedures.
+====Disability discrimination====
+As well as the possibility of an employee making a claim for unfair dismissal, 
if they have the qualifying period of continuous employment, there is also an 
added risk to the employer of an employee being able to pursue an action under 
the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.  This claim does not require any length 
of service by an employee.
+Disability is defined under the Act as \x91a physical or mental impairment 
which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on an employee\x92s 
ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities\x92.  The Act also applies to 
those employees who have had a disability in the past.  Additionally, from 5 
December 2005, it covers employees with the progressive conditions of cancer, 
HIV infection or multiple sclerosis from the point of diagnosis.
+The effect of an impairment is long-term if it has lasted at least 12 months, 
or if it is likely to last at least that long, or if it is likely to recur if 
in remission.  The impairment must affect the ability of an employee to carry 
out normal day-to-day activities, which means it must affect one of the 
+* Mobility.
+* Manual dexterity.
+* Physical co-ordination.
+* Continence.
+* Ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects.
+* Speech, hearing or eyesight.
+* Memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand.
+* Perception of the risk of physical danger.
+\x91Substantial\x92 means more than minor or trivial.  In considering what is 
an adverse effect, the fact that a person can, with great difficulty and 
effort, carry out the activities does not mean that their ability to carry them 
out has not been impaired.  In addition, where the person is on medication or 
their impairment can be controlled or corrected by medical treatment or the use 
of an aid, consideration must be given to how the activities would have been 
affected without the medication or control.
+Asthma, epilepsy, severe visual impairment, deafness, cerebral palsy, 
diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), post traumatic stress disorder, 
ureteric colic, severe back problems/ injury, paranoid schizophrenia, manic 
depression and depression being treated by Prozac have all been held by 
Employment Tribunals to be disabilities.  However, that does not mean that such 
conditions will always be disabilities.  It is a question of fact for the 
Employment Tribunal in each case to determine whether the condition has a 
substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability of the employee to 
carry out normal day-to-day activities.
+Addiction to alcohol, nicotine or any other non-medically prescribed substance 
is not a disability.  Neither is impaired eyesight which is correctable by 
spectacles.  Stress alone is not a disability, but  stress could be a symptom 
of or a response to some other illness.
+It is recommended that, in cases of doubt, the employer obtains sufficient 
information about the nature of the employee\x92s illness by requesting a 
medical report or requesting the employee to undergo a medical examination.
+====What is disability discrimination?====
+Under the Act, there are three ways in which an employer might unlawfully 
discriminate against a disabled employee.  These are:
+* Disability-related discrimination: by treating them less favourably (without 
justification) than the employer treats or would treat other employees and this 
is for a reason related to their disability.
+* Direct discrimination: by less favourable treatment on the ground of their 
+* By failing to make reasonable adjustments.
+====Less favourable treatment for a reason related to disability====
+An employer\x92s treatment of a disabled employee will amount to less 
favourable treatment if:
+* The treatment is or was for a reason related to their disability; and
+* The treatment is less favourable than the way others would be or would have 
been treated.
+In order to show that less favourable treatment of a disabled person was 
justified, the employer must have a good and substantial reason for it, which 
is directly relevant to the circumstances of the case.  The circumstances in 
which an employer will be able to justify less favourable treatment are 
relatively rare and the employer will always be required to show that a 
reasonable adjustment in the first instance would have provided an appropriate 
remedy.  This means that if the employer has not complied with the duty to make 
reasonable adjustments, the defence of justification will only be available if 
the less favourable treatment would still have been justified even if the duty 
to make reasonable adjustments had been complied with.
+====Less favourable treatment on the ground of disability (direct 
+It is also unlawful to treat a disabled person less favourably on the ground 
of their disability.  An employer discriminates against a disabled person in 
this respect if, on the ground of the employee's disability, he or she is 
treated less favourably than the employer would treat a person not having that 
particular disability whose relevant circumstances, including their abilities, 
are the same as, or not materially different from, those of the disabled 
person.  The key point here is that if an employer\x92s act of discrimination 
falls within this definition, it will not be possible to justify it.
+Thus, discrimination on the ground of a person\x92s disability cannot be 
justified (direct discrimination) but discrimination for a disability-related 
reason can still be justified. In practice, this distinction is not easy to 
make out.  Direct discrimination occurs where the reason for the less 
favourable treatment is the person\x92s disability, whereas disability-related 
discrimination occurs where the reason relates to the disability but is not the 
disability itself.
+====Duty to make reasonable adjustments====
+In certain circumstances, a specific duty is placed on the employer to make 
such changes as are reasonable to prevent any work provisions, criteria or 
practices or any physical feature of the work premises from placing a disabled 
employee at a substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled employees. This 
is known as the duty to make reasonable adjustments.
+The duty on the employer is to take all reasonable steps in the circumstances 
to alter the provisions, criteria or practices or physical features to prevent 
them from having that effect. If a provision, criterion or practice or a 
physical feature does treat the disabled person less favourably, the employer, 
to defend their position, must then show that to alter the provision, criterion 
or practice or physical feature would be unreasonable in all the circumstances.
+An employee may therefore expect an employer to make reasonable adjustments to 
the workplace in order to overcome the practical effects of the disability. 
That does not mean the employer is under a duty to make the best adjustment 
possible in the circumstances but to do what may be reasonably expected.
+Reasonable adjustments may include:
+* Widening doorways or making other adjustments to premises.
+* Re-allocating some of the disabled person\x92s duties.
+* Transferring them to fill an existing vacancy.
+* Altering their hours of work or training.
+* Assigning them to a different place of work or training, or allowing them to 
work from home.
+* Allowing them to be absent during working hours for assessment or treatment.
+* Providing training or mentoring.
+* Acquiring or modifying equipment.
+* Modifying instructions or manuals.
+* Providing a reader.
+* Providing supervision or other support.
+* Modifying testing and assessment procedures.
+In determining what steps it is reasonable for an employer to take, the 
following will be relevant:
+* Is it practicable for the employer to take the steps?
+* What are the costs?
+* What are the employer\x92s resources?
+* Is any financial or other assistance available to the employer?
+* What is the nature of the employer\x92s activities and what is the size of 
the business undertaking?
+* Where the step would be taken in relation to a private household, to what 
extent would taking it disrupt that household or disrupt any person residing 
+An employer\x92s duties under the Act apply to all areas of employment, 
including recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, opportunities for 
promotion, transfer or training and dismissal.
+It is also important to note that there is no limit on the compensation that 
can be awarded by an Employment Tribunal in respect of disability 
discrimination and it can include a substantial award in respect of damages for 
injury to feelings. 
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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/org.vexi-vexi.widgets/src_poke/poke/widgets/textarea_largetext.t
--- trunk/org.vexi-vexi.widgets/src_poke/poke/widgets/textarea_largetext.t      
                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/org.vexi-vexi.widgets/src_poke/poke/widgets/textarea_largetext.t      
2013-04-07 01:25:50 UTC (rev 4507)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:poke="poke.widgets" xmlns="vexi.widget">
+    <surface />
+    <ui:Box>
+        <ui:Box orient="vertical">
+          <textarea id="put1" />
+          <button id="start1" text="Start" />
+        </ui:Box>
+        vexi.ui.frame = thisbox;
+        const stream = poke["largetext.txt"];
+        const fountain = vexi.unclone(stream);
+        const string =;
+        $start1.action ++= function(v) {
+               $put1.text = "";
+               var t0 =;
+               $put1.text = string;
+               var t1 =;
+               trace("1: time taken: "+(t1-t0)+"ms");
+               return;
+    </ui:Box>
\ No newline at end of file

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