Revision: 4796

Author:   clrg
Date:     2015-05-23 11:30:20 +0000 (Sat, 23 May 2015)
Log Message:
Port scroll widgets

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

 (from rev 4785, 
                                (rev 0)
        2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2015 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui"
+      xmlns:meta="vexi://meta"
+      xmlns="org.vexi.lib.role">
+    <meta:doc>
+        <author>Charles Goodwin</author>
+        <usage>
+            * th_thumb should be a role.Draggable
+            * viewport should have the structure:
+                <Box layout="place"><Box /></Box>
+        </usage>
+    </meta:doc>
+    <Polarized />
+    <ui:Box>
+        // public variables
+        thisbox.lineheight = vexi.ui.font.height(font, fontsize, "dp");
+        thisbox.mwheelshift = 4;
+        thisbox.pageshift;
+        thisbox.autohide;
+        thisbox.enabled = true;
+        thisbox.hide;
+        thisbox.minthumbsize;
+        thisbox.shift;
+        thisbox.uiport;
+        thisbox.viewport;
+        // theme box variables
+        thisbox.th_back;
+        thisbox.th_next;
+        thisbox.th_thumb;
+        thisbox.th_track;
+        // private variables
+        var listeners = {};
+        var percent;
+        var percentset;
+        var trackpos;
+        // for efficient lookups
+        var max = vexi.math.max;
+        var min = vexi.math.min;
+        var thumb, track;
+        var vport, varea;
+        ////////
+        // sync functions
+        /** sync viewport with thumb position */
+        const syncViewport = function() {
+            if (vport and varea)
+                varea[pos] = percent * (vport[dim] - varea[dim]);
+        }
+        /** sync specific listener with viewport position */
+        const syncListener = function(v) {
+            if (v and v[0]) v[0][pos] = percent * (v[dim] - v[0][dim]);
+        }
+        /** syncs all listeners with viewport position */
+        const syncAllListeners = function(v) {
+               // BROKEN - disabling this, it prevents button from working 
(until thumb has been moved)
+               // Once motion is set it doesn't seem to get unset in normal 
use, so it seems like
+               // a useless check.
+//            if (motion) {
+                for (var key in listeners) {
+                    if (v == key) continue;
+                    syncListener(key);
+                }
+//            }
+        }
+        /** sync thumb with viewport size and position */
+        const syncThumb = function() {
+            // don't do much if we're hidden
+            if (hide) display = false;
+            // conditions where thumb placement is not [yet] desirable
+            else if (!surface || vport == null || varea == null || vport[dim] 
>= varea[dim]) {
+                if (enabled) enabled = false;
+                if (autohide) display = false;
+                else {
+                    thumb[dim] = track[dim];
+                    thumb[pos] = 0;
+                }
+            // display, size, and place thumb
+            } else {
+                if (!enabled) enabled = true;
+                if (!display) display = true;
+                thumb[dim] =
+                    max(minthumbsize,
+                        min(track[dim],
+                            (vport[dim] / varea[dim]) * track[dim]));
+                thumb[pos] = max(0, (track[dim] - thumb[dim]) * percent);
+            }
+        }
+        ////////
+        // trap functions to invoke sync
+        /** invokes sync funcs on all but listener trapee */
+        const listenerMove = function(v) {
+            if (trapee[trapname] == v) return;
+            cascade = v;
+            if (percentset or !trapee.constrain) return;
+            percentset = true;
+            percent = trapee[0][pos] / (trapee[0][dim] - trapee[dim]);
+            syncAllListeners(trapee);
+            syncViewport();
+            percentset = false;
+        }
+        /** listener resized - sync with viewport */
+        const listenerResize = function(v) { cascade = v; 
syncListener(trapee); }
+        const syncThumbTrap = function(v) { cascade = v; syncThumb(); }
+        const viewportMove = function(v) {
+            cascade = min(0, max(v, vport[dim] - varea[dim]));
+            if (percentset) return;
+            percentset = true;
+            percent = varea[pos] / (vport[dim] - varea[dim]);
+            syncThumb();
+            syncAllListeners();
+            percentset = false;
+        }
+        /** viewport or varea resized */
+        const viewportResize = function(v) {
+            var v0 = trapee[trapname];
+            if(v==v0) return;
+            cascade = v;
+            if (percentset) return;
+            // avoid resetting percent
+            percentset = true;
+            // viewport bigger than view subject
+            if (vport[dim] >= varea[dim]) varea[pos] = 0;
+            // constrain viewport position
+            else varea[pos] = -percent * (varea[dim] - vport[dim]);
+            // sync thumbsize to viewport
+            syncThumb();
+            percentset = false;
+        }
+        /** vertical mousewheel movement */
+        const mwheelWrite = function(v) {
+            if (display and (track[dim] > thumb[dim])) {
+                   shift = lineheight * v * mwheelshift;
+                   return;
+            }
+            cascade = v;
+        }
+        ////////
+        // public functions
+        /** add listener (weak viewport) to the scrollbar */
+        thisbox.addListener = function(v) {
+            listeners[v] = true;
+            v[dim] ++= listenerResize;
+            v[0][dim] ++= listenerResize;
+            v[0][pos] ++= listenerMove;
+            syncListener(v);
+        }
+        /** remove listener (weak viewport) to the scrollbar */
+        thisbox.removeListener = function(v) {
+            if (listeners[v] != null) {
+                listeners[v][dim] --= listenerResize;
+                listeners[v][0][dim] --= listenerResize;
+                listeners[v][0][pos] --= listenerMove;
+                (keysof(listeners)).remove(v);
+            }
+        }
+        ////////
+        // public property traps
+        autohide     ++= syncThumbTrap;
+        minthumbsize ++= static.minthumbsizeWrite;
+        pageshift    ++= static.pageshiftRead;
+        v_container  ++= static.containerWrite;
+        /** adjust scrollbar orient - "horizontal" or "vertical" */
+        orient ++= function(v) {
+            if (v == orient) return;
+            cascade = v;
+            // reassign track traps
+            if (track) {
+                track[flip(dim)] --= syncThumbTrap;
+                track[dim] ++= syncThumbTrap;
+                track[flip(mindim)] = 0;
+                track[mindim] = minthumbsize;
+            }
+            // reassign viewport traps
+            if (vport) {
+                if (!varea) throw "viewport must have a child";
+                // react to viewport resize
+                vport[flip(dim)] --= viewportResize;
+                vport[dim] ++= viewportResize;
+                // react to viewarea resize
+                varea[flip(dim)] --= viewportResize;
+                varea[dim] ++= viewportResize;
+                // react to viewarea movement
+                varea[flip(pos)] --= viewportMove;
+                varea[pos] ++= viewportMove;
+            }
+            // reassign uiport traps
+            if (uiport) {
+                uiport[flip(mousewheel)] --= mwheelWrite;
+                uiport[mousewheel] ++= mwheelWrite;
+            }
+            // reassign listener traps
+            const olddim = flip(dim);
+            const oldpos = flip(pos);
+            const newdim = dim;
+            const newpos = pos;
+            for (var key in listeners) {
+                dim = olddim;
+                pos = oldpos;
+                removeListener(key);
+                dim = newdim;
+                pos = newpos;
+                addListener(key);
+            }
+        }
+        /** attempt to shift viewport by given amount */
+        shift ++= function(v) {
+            varea[pos] =
+                min(0,
+                    max(vport[dim] - varea[dim],
+                        varea[pos] - v));
+            return;
+        }
+        /** set up viewport */
+        viewport ++= function(v) {
+            // clean up old viewport
+            if (vport) {
+                if (!varea) throw "viewport must have a child";
+                vport[dim] --= viewportResize;
+                varea[dim] --= viewportResize;
+                varea[pos] --= viewportMove;
+            }
+            // set up new viewport
+            if (v) {
+                if (!v[0]) throw "viewport must have a child";
+                v[dim] ++= viewportResize;
+                v[0][dim] ++= viewportResize;
+                v[0][pos] ++= viewportMove;
+            }
+            cascade = v;
+            vport = v;
+            varea = v ? v[0] : null;
+            syncThumb();
+        }
+        /** set up ui port (see scrollpane uiport) in case viewport is virtual 
+        uiport ++= function(v) {
+            if (uiport) {
+                uiport[mousewheel] --= mwheelWrite;
+            }
+            if (v) {
+                v[mousewheel] ++= mwheelWrite;
+            }
+            cascade = v;
+        }
+        ////////
+        // theme trap assignments
+        /** move up a line */
+        const backAction = function(a) { shift = -(mwheelshift * lineheight); 
cascade = a; }
+        /** set up back button */
+        th_back ++= function(v) {
+            v.action ++= backAction;
+            v.focusable = false;
+            cascade = v;
+        }
+        /** move down a line */
+        const nextAction = function(a) { shift = mwheelshift * lineheight; 
cascade = a; }
+        /** set up next button */
+        th_next ++= function(v) {
+            v.action ++= nextAction;
+            v.focusable = false;
+            cascade = v;
+        }
+        /** invokes a pageshift in appropriate direction */
+        const trackAction = function(a) {
+            const trackpos = track.mouse[pos];
+            if (thumb[pos] > trackpos) shift = -pageshift;
+            else if (trackpos > thumb[pos] + thumb[dim]) shift = pageshift; 
+            cascade = a;
+        }
+        /** set up track */
+        th_track ++= function(v) {
+            v[dim] ++= syncThumbTrap;
+            v.action ++= trackAction;
+            v[mindim] = minthumbsize;
+            cascade = v;
+            track = v;
+        }
+        /** thumb is moved by user */
+        var lastpos;
+        var limitpos;
+        var startpos;
+        const thumbStart = function(v) {
+            motion = true;
+            startpos = v==1 ? thumb[pos] : varea[pos];
+            limitpos = v==1 ? track[dim] - thumb[dim] : vport[dim] - 
+            return;
+        }
+        const thumbStop = function(v) { motion = false; lastpos = null; 
return; }
+        const thumbMove = function(d) {
+            // avoid duplicates (when flip(pos) changes)
+            if (d[pos] == lastpos) return;
+            lastpos = d[pos];
+            // RMB drags relative to the content
+            if (d.button == 2) {
+                varea[pos] = min(0, max(limitpos, startpos - d[pos]));
+                return;
+            }
+            // LMB drags relative to the scrollbar
+            thumb[pos] = max(0, min(limitpos, startpos + d[pos]));
+            if (percentset) return;
+            // set percent according to thumb
+            percentset = true;
+            percent = thumb[pos] / (track[dim] - thumb[dim]);
+            syncViewport();
+            syncAllListeners();
+            percentset = false;
+            return;
+        }
+        /** set up scrollbar thumb */
+        th_thumb ++= function(v) {
+            v.dragUpdate ++= thumbMove;
+            v.dragStart ++= thumbStart;
+            v.dragStop ++= thumbStop;
+            v.dragButton = 2;
+            cascade = v;
+            thumb = v;
+        }
+    </ui:Box>
+    /** scrollbars can not have content */
+    static.containerWrite = function(v) { cascade = v; trapee.v_content = 
null; }
+    /** updates the lineheight as used by mousewheel scrolling */
+    static.fontWrite = function(v) {
+        cascade = v;
+        trapee.lineheight = vexi.ui.font.height(trapee.font, trapee.fontsize, 
+    }
+    /** constrain track to minimum size of thumb */
+    static.minthumbsizeWrite = function(v) {
+        cascade = v;
+        if (trapee.th_track) trapee.th_track[trapee.mindim] = v;
+    }
+    /** return amount by which to shift a full page */
+    static.pageshiftRead = function() {
+        if (trapee.viewport) return 0.9 * (trapee.viewport[trapee.dim]);
+        else return 0;
+    }

 (from rev 4785, 
                               (rev 0)
       2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2015 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui"
+      xmlns:meta="vexi://meta"
+      xmlns="org.vexi.lib.gui">
+    <meta:doc>
+        <author>Charles Goodwin</author>
+        <fixme>
+            - toggling autohidehorizontal/vertical does not toggle autohide
+            - setting scrollhorizontal/vertical is not guarranteed as autohide
+              also sets the display properties on scrollbars
+        </fixme>
+    </meta:doc>
+    <ui:Box>
+        // public variables
+        thisbox.autohide;
+        thisbox.autohidehorizontal = false;
+        thisbox.autohidevertical = false;
+        thisbox.scrollhorizontal = true;
+        thisbox.scrollvertical = true;
+        // theme variables
+        thisbox.th_hscroll;
+        thisbox.th_vscroll;
+        thisbox.th_viewport;
+        thisbox.th_uiport;
+        /** reusable function for write traps that constrain the viewport to 
the contents */
+        var constrainPaneH = function(v) { cascade = v; th_viewport.minwidth = 
th_viewport[0].contentwidth; }
+        /** reusable function for write traps that constrain the viewport to 
the contents */
+        var constrainPaneV = function(v) { cascade = v; th_viewport.minheight 
= th_viewport[0].contentheight; }
+        // apply constrain traps
+        hshrink ++= constrainPaneH;
+        vshrink ++= constrainPaneV;
+        /** set up horizontal scrollbar */
+        th_hscroll ++= function(v) {
+            cascade = v;
+            /** autohide th_hscroll */
+            autohidehorizontal ++= function(a) {
+                if (v == autohidehorizontal) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                v.autohide = a;
+                cascade = a;
+            }
+            /** toggle horizontal scrollbar */
+            scrollhorizontal ++= function(s) {
+                if (v.display != s) {
+                    v.display = s;
+                }
+                if (s and v.viewport != th_viewport) {
+                    v.viewport = th_viewport;
+                }
+                if (!s and v.viewport == th_viewport) {
+                    v.viewport = null;
+                }
+                if (!th_viewport) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (!s) {
+                    if (scrollhorizontal) {
+                        th_viewport[0].contentwidth ++= constrainPaneH;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    th_viewport[0].contentwidth --= constrainPaneH;
+                }
+                cascade = s;
+            }
+        }
+        /** set up vertical scrollbar */
+        th_vscroll ++= function(v) {
+            cascade = v;
+            /** autohide th_vscroll */
+            autohidevertical ++= function(a) {
+                if (a == autohidevertical) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                v.autohide = a;
+                cascade = a;
+            }
+            /** toggle vertical scrollbar */
+            scrollvertical ++= function(s) {
+                if (v.display != s) {
+                    v.display = s;
+                }
+                if (s and v.viewport != th_viewport) {
+                    v.viewport = th_viewport;
+                }
+                if (!s and v.viewport == th_viewport) {
+                    v.viewport = null;
+                }
+                if (!th_viewport) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (!s) {
+                    if (scrollvertical) {
+                        th_viewport[0].contentheight ++= constrainPaneV;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    th_viewport[0].contentheight --= constrainPaneV;
+                }
+                cascade = s;
+            }
+        }
+        /** set up viewport */
+        th_viewport ++= function(v) {
+            // clean up existing viewport
+            if (th_viewport) {
+                if (!scrollhorizontal) {
+                    th_viewport[0].width --= constrainPaneH;
+                }
+                if (!scrollvertical) {
+                    th_viewport[0].height --= constrainPaneV;
+                }
+            }
+            // set up new viewport
+            cascade = v;
+            if (scrollhorizontal) {
+                th_hscroll.viewport = v;
+            } else {
+                v[0].width ++= constrainPaneH;
+            }
+            if (scrollvertical) {
+                th_vscroll.viewport = v;
+            } else {
+                v[0].height ++= constrainPaneV;
+            }
+            // usually these are the same
+            if (th_uiport==null) {
+                th_uiport = v;
+            }
+        }
+        /** th_uiport is used in case the viewport is virtual
+         *  in which case uiport represents the ui area that
+         *  would otherwise be the viewport
+         */
+        thisbox.th_uiport ++= function(v) {
+            cascade = v;
+            th_hscroll.uiport = v;
+            th_vscroll.uiport = v;
+        }
+        // assign static traps
+        thisbox.autohide ++= static.autohideWrite;
+        thisbox.autohide ++= static.autohideRead;
+        thisbox.scroll ++= static.scrollWrite;
+        thisbox.scroll ++= static.scrollRead;
+        thisbox.hinset ++= static.hinsetRead;
+        thisbox.vinset ++= static.vinsetRead;
+        thisbox.viewheight ++= static.viewheightRead;
+        thisbox.viewwidth ++= static.viewwidthRead;
+        thisbox.viewx ++= static.viewxRead;
+        thisbox.viewx ++= static.viewxWrite;
+        thisbox.viewy ++= static.viewyRead;
+        thisbox.viewy ++= static.viewyWrite;
+    </ui:Box>
+    /** write trap to set autohide on scrollbars */
+    static.autohideWrite = function(v) { trapee.autohidehorizontal = v; 
trapee.autohidevertical = v; return; }
+    /** read trap to return current autohide state */
+    static.autohideRead = function() { return trapee.autohidehorizontal and 
trapee.autohidevertical; }
+    /** write trap to enable or disable scrollbars */
+    static.scrollWrite = function(v) { trapee.scrollhorizontal = v; 
trapee.scrollvertical = v; return; }
+    /** read trap to return current scroll state */
+    static.scrollRead = function() { return trapee.scrollhorizontal and 
trapee.scrollvertical; }
+    var max = vexi.math.max;
+    var min = vexi.math.min;
+    /** return horizontal inset caused by vertical scrollbar */
+    static.hinsetRead = function() { return trapee.th_vscroll.display ? 
trapee.th_vscroll.width : 0; }
+    /** return vertical inset caused by horizontal scrollbar */
+    static.vinsetRead = function() { return trapee.th_hscroll.display ? 
trapee.th_hscroll.height : 0; }
+    /** return the height of the viewport */
+    static.viewheightRead = function() { return trapee.th_viewport.height; }
+    /** return the width of the viewport */
+    static.viewwidthRead = function() { return trapee.th_viewport.width; }
+    /** set the view x offset */
+    static.viewxWrite = function(v) {
+        var vp = trapee.th_viewport;
+        var ox = max(0, min(v, vp[0].width - vp.width));
+        vp[0].x = -ox;
+        return;
+    }
+    /** fetch the view x offset */
+    static.viewxRead = function() { return -trapee.th_viewport[0].x; }
+    /** set the view y offset */
+    static.viewyWrite = function(v) {
+        var vp = trapee.th_viewport;
+        var oy = max(0, min(v, vp[0].height - vp.height));
+        vp[0].y = -oy;
+        return;
+    }
+    /** fetch the view y offset */
+    static.viewyRead = function() { return -trapee.th_viewport[0].y; }

     2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
     2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2009 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:meta="vexi://meta" xmlns="org.vexi.lib.role">
-    <meta:doc>
-        <author>Charles Goodwin</author>
-        <usage>
-            * th_thumb should be a role.draggable
-            * viewport should have the structure:
-                <box layout="place"><box /></box>
-        </usage>
-    </meta:doc>
-    <polarizable />
-    <ui:box>
-        // public variables
-        thisbox.lineheight = vexi.ui.font.height(font, fontsize, "dp");
-        thisbox.mwheelshift = 4;
-        thisbox.pageshift;
-        thisbox.autohide;
-        thisbox.enabled = true;
-        thisbox.hide;
-        thisbox.minthumbsize;
-        thisbox.shift;
-        thisbox.uiport;
-        thisbox.viewport;
-        // theme box variables
-        thisbox.th_back;
-        thisbox.th_next;
-        thisbox.th_thumb;
-        thisbox.th_track;
-        // private variables
-        var listeners = {};
-        var percent;
-        var percentset;
-        var trackpos;
-        // for efficient lookups
-        var max = vexi.math.max;
-        var min = vexi.math.min;
-        var thumb, track;
-        var vport, varea;
-        ////////
-        // sync functions
-        /** sync viewport with thumb position */
-        const syncViewport = function() {
-            if (vport and varea)
-                varea[pos] = percent * (vport[dim] - varea[dim]);
-        }
-        /** sync specific listener with viewport position */
-        const syncListener = function(v) {
-            if (v and v[0]) v[0][pos] = percent * (v[dim] - v[0][dim]);
-        }
-        /** syncs all listeners with viewport position */
-        const syncAllListeners = function(v) {
-               // BROKEN - disabling this, it prevents button from working 
(until thumb has been moved)
-               // Once motion is set it doesn't seem to get unset in normal 
use, so it seems like
-               // a useless check.
-//            if (motion) {
-                for (var key in listeners) {
-                    if (v == key) continue;
-                    syncListener(key);
-                }
-//            }
-        }
-        /** sync thumb with viewport size and position */
-        const syncThumb = function() {
-            // don't do much if we're hidden
-            if (hide) display = false;
-            // conditions where thumb placement is not [yet] desirable
-            else if (!surface || vport == null || varea == null || vport[dim] 
>= varea[dim]) {
-                if (enabled) enabled = false;
-                if (autohide) display = false;
-                else {
-                    thumb[dim] = track[dim];
-                    thumb[pos] = 0;
-                }
-            // display, size, and place thumb
-            } else {
-                if (!enabled) enabled = true;
-                if (!display) display = true;
-                thumb[dim] =
-                    max(minthumbsize,
-                        min(track[dim],
-                            (vport[dim] / varea[dim]) * track[dim]));
-                thumb[pos] = max(0, (track[dim] - thumb[dim]) * percent);
-            }
-        }
-        ////////
-        // trap functions to invoke sync
-        /** invokes sync funcs on all but listener trapee */
-        const listenerMove = function(v) {
-            if (trapee[trapname] == v) return;
-            cascade = v;
-            if (percentset or !trapee.constrain) return;
-            percentset = true;
-            percent = trapee[0][pos] / (trapee[0][dim] - trapee[dim]);
-            syncAllListeners(trapee);
-            syncViewport();
-            percentset = false;
-        }
-        /** listener resized - sync with viewport */
-        const listenerResize = function(v) { cascade = v; 
syncListener(trapee); }
-        const syncThumbTrap = function(v) { cascade = v; syncThumb(); }
-        const viewportMove = function(v) {
-            cascade = min(0, max(v, vport[dim] - varea[dim]));
-            if (percentset) return;
-            percentset = true;
-            percent = varea[pos] / (vport[dim] - varea[dim]);
-            syncThumb();
-            syncAllListeners();
-            percentset = false;
-        }
-        /** viewport or varea resized */
-        const viewportResize = function(v) {
-            var v0 = trapee[trapname];
-            if(v==v0) return;
-            cascade = v;
-            if (percentset) return;
-            // avoid resetting percent
-            percentset = true;
-            // viewport bigger than view subject
-            if (vport[dim] >= varea[dim]) varea[pos] = 0;
-            // constrain viewport position
-            else varea[pos] = -percent * (varea[dim] - vport[dim]);
-            // sync thumbsize to viewport
-            syncThumb();
-            percentset = false;
-        }
-        /** vertical mousewheel movement */
-        const mwheelWrite = function(v) {
-            if (display and (track[dim] > thumb[dim])) {
-                   shift = lineheight * v * mwheelshift;
-                   return;
-            }
-            cascade = v;
-        }
-        ////////
-        // public functions
-        /** add listener (weak viewport) to the scrollbar */
-        thisbox.addListener = function(v) {
-            listeners[v] = true;
-            v[dim] ++= listenerResize;
-            v[0][dim] ++= listenerResize;
-            v[0][pos] ++= listenerMove;
-            syncListener(v);
-        }
-        /** remove listener (weak viewport) to the scrollbar */
-        thisbox.removeListener = function(v) {
-            if (listeners[v] != null) {
-                listeners[v][dim] --= listenerResize;
-                listeners[v][0][dim] --= listenerResize;
-                listeners[v][0][pos] --= listenerMove;
-                (keysof(listeners)).remove(v);
-            }
-        }
-        ////////
-        // public property traps
-        autohide     ++= syncThumbTrap;
-        minthumbsize ++= static.minthumbsizeWrite;
-        pageshift    ++= static.pageshiftRead;
-        v_container  ++= static.containerWrite;
-        /** adjust scrollbar orient - "horizontal" or "vertical" */
-        orient ++= function(v) {
-            if (v == orient) return;
-            cascade = v;
-            // reassign track traps
-            if (track) {
-                track[flip(dim)] --= syncThumbTrap;
-                track[dim] ++= syncThumbTrap;
-                track[flip(mindim)] = 0;
-                track[mindim] = minthumbsize;
-            }
-            // reassign viewport traps
-            if (vport) {
-                if (!varea) throw "viewport must have a child";
-                // react to viewport resize
-                vport[flip(dim)] --= viewportResize;
-                vport[dim] ++= viewportResize;
-                // react to viewarea resize
-                varea[flip(dim)] --= viewportResize;
-                varea[dim] ++= viewportResize;
-                // react to viewarea movement
-                varea[flip(pos)] --= viewportMove;
-                varea[pos] ++= viewportMove;
-            }
-            // reassign uiport traps
-            if (uiport) {
-                uiport[flip(mousewheel)] --= mwheelWrite;
-                uiport[mousewheel] ++= mwheelWrite;
-            }
-            // reassign listener traps
-            const olddim = flip(dim);
-            const oldpos = flip(pos);
-            const newdim = dim;
-            const newpos = pos;
-            for (var key in listeners) {
-                dim = olddim;
-                pos = oldpos;
-                removeListener(key);
-                dim = newdim;
-                pos = newpos;
-                addListener(key);
-            }
-        }
-        /** attempt to shift viewport by given amount */
-        shift ++= function(v) {
-            varea[pos] =
-                min(0,
-                    max(vport[dim] - varea[dim],
-                        varea[pos] - v));
-            return;
-        }
-        /** set up viewport */
-        viewport ++= function(v) {
-            // clean up old viewport
-            if (vport) {
-                if (!varea) throw "viewport must have a child";
-                vport[dim] --= viewportResize;
-                varea[dim] --= viewportResize;
-                varea[pos] --= viewportMove;
-            }
-            // set up new viewport
-            if (v) {
-                if (!v[0]) throw "viewport must have a child";
-                v[dim] ++= viewportResize;
-                v[0][dim] ++= viewportResize;
-                v[0][pos] ++= viewportMove;
-            }
-            cascade = v;
-            vport = v;
-            varea = v ? v[0] : null;
-            syncThumb();
-        }
-        /** set up ui port (see scrollpane uiport) in case viewport is virtual 
-        uiport ++= function(v) {
-            if (uiport) {
-                uiport[mousewheel] --= mwheelWrite;
-            }
-            if (v) {
-                v[mousewheel] ++= mwheelWrite;
-            }
-            cascade = v;
-        }
-        ////////
-        // theme trap assignments
-        /** move up a line */
-        const backAction = function(a) { shift = -(mwheelshift * lineheight); 
cascade = a; }
-        /** set up back button */
-        th_back ++= function(v) {
-            v.action ++= backAction;
-            v.focusable = false;
-            cascade = v;
-        }
-        /** move down a line */
-        const nextAction = function(a) { shift = mwheelshift * lineheight; 
cascade = a; }
-        /** set up next button */
-        th_next ++= function(v) {
-            v.action ++= nextAction;
-            v.focusable = false;
-            cascade = v;
-        }
-        /** invokes a pageshift in appropriate direction */
-        const trackAction = function(a) {
-            const trackpos = track.mouse[pos];
-            if (thumb[pos] > trackpos) shift = -pageshift;
-            else if (trackpos > thumb[pos] + thumb[dim]) shift = pageshift; 
-            cascade = a;
-        }
-        /** set up track */
-        th_track ++= function(v) {
-            v[dim] ++= syncThumbTrap;
-            v.action ++= trackAction;
-            v[mindim] = minthumbsize;
-            cascade = v;
-            track = v;
-        }
-        /** thumb is moved by user */
-        var lastpos;
-        var limitpos;
-        var startpos;
-        const thumbStart = function(v) {
-            motion = true;
-            startpos = v==1 ? thumb[pos] : varea[pos];
-            limitpos = v==1 ? track[dim] - thumb[dim] : vport[dim] - 
-            return;
-        }
-        const thumbStop = function(v) { motion = false; lastpos = null; 
return; }
-        const thumbMove = function(d) {
-            // avoid duplicates (when flip(pos) changes)
-            if (d[pos] == lastpos) return;
-            lastpos = d[pos];
-            // RMB drags relative to the content
-            if (d.button == 2) {
-                varea[pos] = min(0, max(limitpos, startpos - d[pos]));
-                return;
-            }
-            // LMB drags relative to the scrollbar
-            thumb[pos] = max(0, min(limitpos, startpos + d[pos]));
-            if (percentset) return;
-            // set percent according to thumb
-            percentset = true;
-            percent = thumb[pos] / (track[dim] - thumb[dim]);
-            syncViewport();
-            syncAllListeners();
-            percentset = false;
-            return;
-        }
-        /** set up scrollbar thumb */
-        th_thumb ++= function(v) {
-            v.dragUpdate ++= thumbMove;
-            v.dragStart ++= thumbStart;
-            v.dragStop ++= thumbStop;
-            v.dragButton = 2;
-            cascade = v;
-            thumb = v;
-        }
-    </ui:box>
-    /** scrollbars can not have content */
-    static.containerWrite = function(v) { cascade = v; trapee.v_content = 
null; }
-    /** updates the lineheight as used by mousewheel scrolling */
-    static.fontWrite = function(v) {
-        cascade = v;
-        trapee.lineheight = vexi.ui.font.height(trapee.font, trapee.fontsize, 
-    }
-    /** constrain track to minimum size of thumb */
-    static.minthumbsizeWrite = function(v) {
-        cascade = v;
-        if (trapee.th_track) trapee.th_track[trapee.mindim] = v;
-    }
-    /** return amount by which to shift a full page */
-    static.pageshiftRead = function() {
-        if (trapee.viewport) return 0.9 * (trapee.viewport[trapee.dim]);
-        else return 0;
-    }

    2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
    2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2009 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:meta="vexi://meta" xmlns="org.vexi.lib.widget"
-    xmlns:common="vexi.util.common">
-    <meta:doc>
-        <author>Charles Goodwin</author>
-        <fixme>
-            - toggling autohidehorizontal/vertical does not toggle autohide
-            - setting scrollhorizontal/vertical is not guarranteed as autohide
-              also sets the display properties on scrollbars
-        </fixme>
-    </meta:doc>
-    <ui:box>
-        // public variables
-        thisbox.autohide;
-        thisbox.autohidehorizontal = false;
-        thisbox.autohidevertical = false;
-        thisbox.scrollhorizontal = true;
-        thisbox.scrollvertical = true;
-        // theme variables
-        thisbox.th_hscroll;
-        thisbox.th_vscroll;
-        thisbox.th_viewport;
-        thisbox.th_uiport;
-        /** reusable function for write traps that constrain the viewport to 
the contents */
-        var constrainPaneH = function(v) { cascade = v; th_viewport.minwidth = 
th_viewport[0].contentwidth; }
-        /** reusable function for write traps that constrain the viewport to 
the contents */
-        var constrainPaneV = function(v) { cascade = v; th_viewport.minheight 
= th_viewport[0].contentheight; }
-        // apply constrain traps
-        hshrink ++= constrainPaneH;
-        vshrink ++= constrainPaneV;
-        /** set up horizontal scrollbar */
-        th_hscroll ++= function(v) {
-            cascade = v;
-            /** autohide th_hscroll */
-            autohidehorizontal ++= function(a) {
-                if (v == autohidehorizontal) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                v.autohide = a;
-                cascade = a;
-            }
-            /** toggle horizontal scrollbar */
-            scrollhorizontal ++= function(s) {
-                if (v.display != s) {
-                    v.display = s;
-                }
-                if (s and v.viewport != th_viewport) {
-                    v.viewport = th_viewport;
-                }
-                if (!s and v.viewport == th_viewport) {
-                    v.viewport = null;
-                }
-                if (!th_viewport) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (!s) {
-                    if (scrollhorizontal) {
-                        th_viewport[0].contentwidth ++= constrainPaneH;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    th_viewport[0].contentwidth --= constrainPaneH;
-                }
-                cascade = s;
-            }
-        }
-        /** set up vertical scrollbar */
-        th_vscroll ++= function(v) {
-            cascade = v;
-            /** autohide th_vscroll */
-            autohidevertical ++= function(a) {
-                if (a == autohidevertical) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                v.autohide = a;
-                cascade = a;
-            }
-            /** toggle vertical scrollbar */
-            scrollvertical ++= function(s) {
-                if (v.display != s) {
-                    v.display = s;
-                }
-                if (s and v.viewport != th_viewport) {
-                    v.viewport = th_viewport;
-                }
-                if (!s and v.viewport == th_viewport) {
-                    v.viewport = null;
-                }
-                if (!th_viewport) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (!s) {
-                    if (scrollvertical) {
-                        th_viewport[0].contentheight ++= constrainPaneV;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    th_viewport[0].contentheight --= constrainPaneV;
-                }
-                cascade = s;
-            }
-        }
-        /** set up viewport */
-        th_viewport ++= function(v) {
-            // clean up existing viewport
-            if (th_viewport) {
-                if (!scrollhorizontal) {
-                    th_viewport[0].width --= constrainPaneH;
-                }
-                if (!scrollvertical) {
-                    th_viewport[0].height --= constrainPaneV;
-                }
-            }
-            // set up new viewport
-            cascade = v;
-            if (scrollhorizontal) {
-                th_hscroll.viewport = v;
-            } else {
-                v[0].width ++= constrainPaneH;
-            }
-            if (scrollvertical) {
-                th_vscroll.viewport = v;
-            } else {
-                v[0].height ++= constrainPaneV;
-            }
-            // usually these are the same
-            if (th_uiport==null) {
-                th_uiport = v;
-            }
-        }
-        /** th_uiport is used in case the viewport is virtual
-         *  in which case uiport represents the ui area that
-         *  would otherwise be the viewport
-         */
-        thisbox.th_uiport ++= function(v) {
-            cascade = v;
-            th_hscroll.uiport = v;
-            th_vscroll.uiport = v;
-        }
-        // assign static traps
-        thisbox.autohide ++= static.autohideWrite;
-        thisbox.autohide ++= static.autohideRead;
-        thisbox.scroll ++= static.scrollWrite;
-        thisbox.scroll ++= static.scrollRead;
-        thisbox.hinset ++= static.hinsetRead;
-        thisbox.vinset ++= static.vinsetRead;
-        thisbox.viewheight ++= static.viewheightRead;
-        thisbox.viewwidth ++= static.viewwidthRead;
-        thisbox.viewx ++= static.viewxRead;
-        thisbox.viewx ++= static.viewxWrite;
-        thisbox.viewy ++= static.viewyRead;
-        thisbox.viewy ++= static.viewyWrite;
-        // TODO - remove these
-        thisbox.getViewportHeight ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.getViewportWidth ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.getHorizontalInset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.getVerticalInset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.getOffset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.getXOffset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.getYOffset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.setOffset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.setXOffset ++= common..noFunction;
-        thisbox.setYOffset ++= common..noFunction;
-    </ui:box>
-    /** write trap to set autohide on scrollbars */
-    static.autohideWrite = function(v) { trapee.autohidehorizontal = v; 
trapee.autohidevertical = v; return; }
-    /** read trap to return current autohide state */
-    static.autohideRead = function() { return trapee.autohidehorizontal and 
trapee.autohidevertical; }
-    /** write trap to enable or disable scrollbars */
-    static.scrollWrite = function(v) { trapee.scrollhorizontal = v; 
trapee.scrollvertical = v; return; }
-    /** read trap to return current scroll state */
-    static.scrollRead = function() { return trapee.scrollhorizontal and 
trapee.scrollvertical; }
-    var max = vexi.math.max;
-    var min = vexi.math.min;
-    /** return horizontal inset caused by vertical scrollbar */
-    static.hinsetRead = function() { return trapee.th_vscroll.display ? 
trapee.th_vscroll.width : 0; }
-    /** return vertical inset caused by horizontal scrollbar */
-    static.vinsetRead = function() { return trapee.th_hscroll.display ? 
trapee.th_hscroll.height : 0; }
-    /** return the height of the viewport */
-    static.viewheightRead = function() { return trapee.th_viewport.height; }
-    /** return the width of the viewport */
-    static.viewwidthRead = function() { return trapee.th_viewport.width; }
-    /** set the view x offset */
-    static.viewxWrite = function(v) {
-        var vp = trapee.th_viewport;
-        var ox = max(0, min(v, vp[0].width - vp.width));
-        vp[0].x = -ox;
-        return;
-    }
-    /** fetch the view x offset */
-    static.viewxRead = function() { return -trapee.th_viewport[0].x; }
-    /** set the view y offset */
-    static.viewyWrite = function(v) {
-        var vp = trapee.th_viewport;
-        var oy = max(0, min(v, vp[0].height - vp.height));
-        vp[0].y = -oy;
-        return;
-    }
-    /** fetch the view y offset */
-    static.viewyRead = function() { return -trapee.th_viewport[0].y; }

 (from rev 4785, 
                          (rev 0)
  2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2015 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui"
+      xmlns:lib="org.vexi.lib.gui"
+      xmlns:role="org.vexi.lib.role"
+      xmlns="vexi.theme">
+    <lib:Scrollbar />
+    <ui:Box minthumbsize="8">
+        <lib.Button id="back" width="16" height="16" repeats="true" 
+            <ui:Box layout="place"><ui:Box id="backimg" debug="true" 
shrink="true" /></ui:Box>
+        </lib.Button>
+        <role:Clickable id="track" align="topleft" enabled="true" 
fill=":.image.scrollbg" layout="place" repeats="true">
+            <ui:Box id="shadow" fill="#c4c0b8" display="false" />
+            <role:Draggable id="thumb">
+                <Bevel fill=":.Settings..widgetfill" form="up" />
+            </role:Draggable>
+        </role:Clickable>
+        <lib.Button id="next" width="16" height="16" repeats="true" 
+            <ui:Box layout="place"><ui:Box id="nextimg" debug="true" 
shrink="true" /></ui:Box>
+        </lib.Button>
+        thisbox.th_back = $back;
+        thisbox.th_next = $next;
+        thisbox.th_thumb = $thumb;
+        thisbox.th_track = $track;
+        /** set orient specific visual elements */
+        thisbox.orient ++= function(v) {
+            cascade = v;
+            thisbox[shr] = false;
+            thisbox[flip(shr)] = true;
+            if (horizontal) {
+                $backimg.fill = .image.arrowleft;
+                $nextimg.fill = .image.arrowright;
+            } else {
+                $backimg.fill = .image.arrowup;
+                $nextimg.fill = .image.arrowdown;
+            }
+        }
+        /** prevent thumb presses from activating track action */
+        $track.Press1 ++= function(v) { if ($thumb.mouse.inside) return; 
cascade = v; }
+        /** set shadow to cover track to one side of the thumb */
+        var setShadow = function() {
+            var thumbpos = $thumb[pos];
+            var thumbdim = $thumb[dim];
+            var trackpos = $track.mouse[pos];
+            if (thumbpos > trackpos) {
+                $shadow.display = true;
+                $shadow[dim] = $thumbpos;
+                $shadow[pos] = 0;
+            } else if (trackpos > thumbpos + thumbdim) {
+                $shadow.display = true;
+                $shadow[dim] = $track[dim] - thumbdim - thumbpos;
+                $shadow[pos] = thumbdim + thumbpos;
+            }
+        }
+        /** trap function to invoke setShadow() */
+        var syncShadow = function(v) {
+            cascade = v;
+            if (v) setShadow();
+            else $shadow.display = false;
+        }
+        $track.action ++= syncShadow;
+        $track.repeat ++= syncShadow;
+    </ui:Box>

 (from rev 4785, 
                         (rev 0)
 2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2015 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" 
+      xmlns:lib="org.vexi.lib.gui"
+      xmlns="vexi.theme">
+    <lib:Scrollpane redirect=":$content">
+        <ui:Box orient="vertical">
+            <ui:Box id="view" align="topleft" layout="place">
+                <ui:Box id="content" align="topleft" />
+            </ui:Box>
+            <Scrollbar id="hscroll" orient="horizontal" />
+        </ui:Box>
+        <ui:Box orient="vertical" hshrink="true">
+            <Scrollbar id="vscroll" orient="vertical" />
+            <ui:Box id="inset" fill=":.Settings..panefill" shrink="true" />
+        </ui:Box>
+        thisbox.v_fillbox = $content;
+        thisbox.th_hscroll = $hscroll;
+        thisbox.th_vscroll = $vscroll;
+        thisbox.th_viewport = $view;
+        $hscroll.height ++= function(v) { $inset.height = v; cascade = v; }
+        $vscroll.width ++= function(v) { $inset.width = v; cascade = v; }
+        // REMARK: once the scrollbars are shown, they fix the minimum size
+        // in order to prevent a loop where the scrollbars appear increasing
+        // the size of $view beyond the content size, hiding the scrollbars
+        $hscroll.contentwidth ++= function(v) { $view.minwidth = v; cascade = 
v; }
+        $vscroll.contentheight ++= function(v) { $view.minheight = v; cascade 
= v; }
+        $hscroll.display ++= function(v) { $inset.display = (v and 
$vscroll.display); cascade = v; }
+        $vscroll.display ++= function(v) { $inset.display = (v and 
$hscroll.display); cascade = v; }
+    </lib:Scrollpane>

 (from rev 4793, 
                         (rev 0)
 2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- Copyright (c) - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:gui="org.vexi.lib.gui"
+      xmlns:role="org.vexi.lib.role"
+      xmlns="org.vexi.theme.classic">
+    // a no-frills button i.e. no focus, margin, padding etc
+    <role:Clickable />
+    <Bevel>
+        {
+               const button_ = .Button[""];
+               active ++= button_.activeWrite;
+               hover  ++= button_.normalWrite;
+               hover  ++= button_.normalWrite;
+               normal ++= button_.normalWrite;
+               v_defaultSettings = static.defaultSettings;
+        }
+    </Bevel>
+    <gui:Defaults />
+    static.defaultSettings = { fill: .Settings..buttonfill };

 2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
 2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright (c) - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:lay="org.vexi.lib.layout"
-      xmlns:role="org.vexi.lib.role"
-      xmlns="org.vexi.theme.classic">
-    // a no-frills button i.e. no focus, margin, padding etc
-    <role:Clickable />
-    <Bevel>
-        var button_static = .Button[""];
-        active ++= button_static.activeWrite;
-        hover  ++= button_static.normalWrite;
-        hover  ++= button_static.normalWrite;
-        normal ++= button_static.normalWrite;
-        v_init   = button_static.init;
-    </Bevel>
-    <lay:container />

  2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
  2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2011 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:meta="vexi://meta" xmlns="vexi.theme"
-    xmlns:lib="org.vexi.lib.widget" xmlns:role="org.vexi.lib.role">
-    <meta:doc>
-        <author>Charles Goodwin</author>
-    </meta:doc>
-    <lib:scrollbar />
-    <ui:box minthumbsize="8">
-        <lib.button id="back" width="16" height="16" repeats="true" 
-            <ui:box layout="place"><ui:box id="backimg" debug="true" 
shrink="true" /></ui:box>
-        </lib.button>
-        <role:clickable id="track" align="topleft" enabled="true" 
fill=":.image.scrollbg" layout="place" repeats="true">
-            <ui:box id="shadow" fill="#c4c0b8" display="false" />
-            <role:draggable id="thumb">
-                <bevel fill=":.settings..widgetfill" form="up" />
-            </role:draggable>
-        </role:clickable>
-        <lib.button id="next" width="16" height="16" repeats="true" 
-            <ui:box layout="place"><ui:box id="nextimg" debug="true" 
shrink="true" /></ui:box>
-        </lib.button>
-        thisbox.th_back = $back;
-        thisbox.th_next = $next;
-        thisbox.th_thumb = $thumb;
-        thisbox.th_track = $track;
-        /** set orient specific visual elements */
-        thisbox.orient ++= function(v) {
-            cascade = v;
-            thisbox[shr] = false;
-            thisbox[flip(shr)] = true;
-            if (horizontal) {
-                $backimg.fill = .image.arrowleft;
-                $nextimg.fill = .image.arrowright;
-            } else {
-                $backimg.fill = .image.arrowup;
-                $nextimg.fill = .image.arrowdown;
-            }
-        }
-        /** prevent thumb presses from activating track action */
-        $track.Press1 ++= function(v) { if ($thumb.mouse.inside) return; 
cascade = v; }
-        /** set shadow to cover track to one side of the thumb */
-        var setShadow = function() {
-            var thumbpos = $thumb[pos];
-            var thumbdim = $thumb[dim];
-            var trackpos = $track.mouse[pos];
-            if (thumbpos > trackpos) {
-                $shadow.display = true;
-                $shadow[dim] = $thumbpos;
-                $shadow[pos] = 0;
-            } else if (trackpos > thumbpos + thumbdim) {
-                $shadow.display = true;
-                $shadow[dim] = $track[dim] - thumbdim - thumbpos;
-                $shadow[pos] = thumbdim + thumbpos;
-            }
-        }
-        /** trap function to invoke setShadow() */
-        var syncShadow = function(v) {
-            cascade = v;
-            if (v) setShadow();
-            else $shadow.display = false;
-        }
-        $track.action ++= syncShadow;
-        $track.repeat ++= syncShadow;
-    </ui:box>

 2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
 2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2011 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:meta="vexi://meta" xmlns="vexi.theme"
-    xmlns:lib="org.vexi.lib.widget">
-    <meta:doc>
-        <author>Charles Goodwin</author>
-    </meta:doc>
-    <lib:scrollpane redirect=":$content">
-        <ui:box orient="vertical">
-            <ui:box id="view" align="topleft" layout="place">
-                <ui:box id="content" align="topleft" />
-            </ui:box>
-            <scrollbar id="hscroll" orient="horizontal" />
-        </ui:box>
-        <ui:box orient="vertical" hshrink="true">
-            <scrollbar id="vscroll" orient="vertical" />
-            <ui:box id="inset" fill=":.settings..panefill" shrink="true" />
-        </ui:box>
-        thisbox.v_fillbox = $content;
-        thisbox.th_hscroll = $hscroll;
-        thisbox.th_vscroll = $vscroll;
-        thisbox.th_viewport = $view;
-        $hscroll.height ++= function(v) { $inset.height = v; cascade = v; }
-        $vscroll.width ++= function(v) { $inset.width = v; cascade = v; }
-        // REMARK: once the scrollbars are shown, they fix the minimum size
-        // in order to prevent a loop where the scrollbars appear increasing
-        // the size of $view beyond the content size, hiding the scrollbars
-        $hscroll.contentwidth ++= function(v) { $view.minwidth = v; cascade = 
v; }
-        $vscroll.contentheight ++= function(v) { $view.minheight = v; cascade 
= v; }
-        $hscroll.display ++= function(v) { $inset.display = (v and 
$vscroll.display); cascade = v; }
-        $vscroll.display ++= function(v) { $inset.display = (v and 
$hscroll.display); cascade = v; }
-    </lib:scrollpane>

 (from rev 4785, 
                                (rev 0)
        2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2015 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:meta="vexi://meta"
+      xmlns="vexi.theme">
+    <meta:doc>
+        <name>Scrollbar</name>
+        <desc>A scrollbar widget, commonly found in scrollpanes</desc>
+        <usage>
+            It is recommended that you use vexi.widget.scrollpane in most
+            cases, as you have to manually set up a scrollbar.
+            To set up a scrollbar, you assign a box to the viewport property
+            of the scrollbar.  The viewport box should contain a child box,
+            and the viewport layout as place and align being topleft.
+            <Box id="vp" align="topleft" layout="place">
+                <Box id="c" />
+            </Box>
+            <Scrollbar id="s" />
+            $s.viewport = $viewport;
+        </usage>
+    </meta:doc>
+    <Scrollbar />

 (from rev 4785, 
                               (rev 0)
       2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2015 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
+<vexi xmlns:meta="vexi://meta"
+      xmlns="vexi.theme">
+    <meta:doc>
+        <name>Scrollpane</name>
+        <desc>A scrollpane widget</desc>
+        <usage>
+            Wrap scrollpane around a box/set of boxes to allow panning.
+            To hide scrollbars automatically, set autohidehorizontal and 
+            To disable scrollbars, unset scrollhorizontal or scrollvertical.
+        </usage>
+    </meta:doc>
+    <Scrollpane />

     2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
     2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2009 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:meta="vexi://meta" xmlns:theme="vexi.theme"
-    xmlns="org.vexi.lib.layout">
-    <meta:doc>
-        <name>Scrollbar</name>
-        <desc>A scrollbar widget, commonly found in scrollpanes</desc>
-        <usage>
-            It is recommended that you use vexi.widget.scrollpane in most
-            cases, as you have to manually set up a scrollbar.
-            To set up a scrollbar, you assign a box to the viewport property
-            of the scrollbar.  The viewport box should contain a child box,
-            and the viewport layout as place and align being topleft.
-            <ui:box id="vp" align="topleft" layout="place">
-                <ui:box id="c" />
-            </ui:box>
-            <scrollbar id="s" />
-            $s.viewport = $viewport;
-        </usage>
-    </meta:doc>
-    <margin />
-    <theme:scrollbar />

    2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
    2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2009 - see COPYING for details [LGPL] -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:meta="vexi://meta" xmlns:theme="vexi.theme"
-    xmlns="org.vexi.lib.layout">
-    <meta:doc>
-        <name>Scrollpane</name>
-        <desc>A scrollpane widget</desc>
-        <usage>
-            Wrap scrollpane around a box/set of boxes to allow panning.
-            To hide scrollbars automatically, set autohidehorizontal and 
-            To disable scrollbars, unset scrollhorizontal or scrollvertical.
-        </usage>
-    </meta:doc>
-    <margin />
-    <theme:scrollpane />
-    <pad />
-    <container />

 (from rev 4785, 
                           (rev 0)
   2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- public domain -->
+<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:img="poke.image" xmlns="vexi.gui">
+    <Surface />
+    <ui:Box frameheight="200">
+        <ui:Box>
+            <Scrollbar orient="horizontal" />
+        </ui:Box>
+        <Bevel form="down">
+            <Scrollpane>
+                <ui:Box fill=":img.pacman_origin" shrink="true" />
+            </Scrollpane>
+        </Bevel>
+        <ui:Box>
+            <Scrollbar orient="vertical" />
+        </ui:Box>
+        vexi.ui.frame = thisbox;
+    </ui:Box>
\ No newline at end of file

 (from rev 4785, 
(Binary files differ)

(Binary files differ)

       2015-05-12 21:58:49 UTC (rev 4795)
       2015-05-23 11:30:20 UTC (rev 4796)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<!-- public domain -->
-<vexi xmlns:ui="vexi://ui" xmlns:w="vexi.widget">
-    <w:surface />
-    <ui:box frameheight="200">
-        <ui:box>
-            <w:scrollbar orient="horizontal" />
-        </ui:box>
-        <w:bevel form="down">
-            <w:scrollpane>
-                <ui:box shrink="true">
-                     fill = .test["pacman_origin.jpg"];
-                </ui:box>
-            </w:scrollpane>
-        </w:bevel>
-        <ui:box>
-            <w:scrollbar orient="vertical" />
-        </ui:box>
-        vexi.ui.frame = thisbox;
-    </ui:box>
\ No newline at end of file

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