Don O:

I have been very busy at work.
The economy is so bad that my sales fell from $5.4Million to $4.3 Million and I 
had to work even harder to get to that number last year.

I have seen a big improvement in the economy this past two months over last 
year at this time.
It appears as though people are starting to open up their wallets and start 
spending again. That makes the apartment industry, spend more.
We have been seeing the people losing their houses because of forclosures 
renting the 'higher end'  or"A+"apartments.
The unfortunate people that are being forced to move out of rental homes after 
they paid the rent for the month, because to owner let the house go into 
forclouser, are moving into the "B" class apartments.
The people losing their jobs are either moving into "C" apartments or moving in 
with family.
All this moving is actually creating more sales for me and a trickle down 
effect into other businesses.

As far as fishing is concerned----Zippo-Zilch-Nada.

Now I have to learn how to tie all over again.

I am looking forward to your DVD.

At least I have serveral months before the Alaska trip in Sept.

Thank you,
Alan Di Somma 

You have to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world 
all the love in your heart.
Carol King
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