Hey Chuck:
You may have an average of 1.3 per day, but some days you might send a lot
and maybe none or just one on other days. I don't think John meant any harm.
He was probably talking "tongue in cheek."
I think that you may be over reacting. That's the trouble with e-mail. One
doesn't hear a spoken word with the tone or manner of delivery and sometimes
we take offence when none is intended.
John Ridderbos has been around for a long time, but you don't know how his
day is going or what problems or difficulties he faces. Take a look at the
e-mail that I sent him earlier.  I suggested "tongue in cheek"
that he get Rid-derbos of his Iphone. He didn't take offence.
Neville (Nev) Gosling
Greater Vancouver,
B.C. Canada 


From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com [mailto:vfb-m...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Chuck Alexander
Sent: April 12, 2010 6:56 PM
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Subject: [VFB] My Posts

Folks: In case anybody is counting. And we all now know that John IS. My
wife and I both just searched the archives, to double check ourselves, and
in the past 30 days, I posted a grand total of 34 posts. That's exactly
1.13333333333333 per day, NOT the TEN per day I have been accused of. I'm so
sorry that that 1.133333333 per DAY clogged your in box..  Chuck

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