Folks: I forgot to tell everybody that the urologist says that he is nearly 
sure (I have to have an ultrasound on them next week to be sure) the cysts on 
my kidneys are harmless, and are age related. That made me feel real young 
LOL.. Anyway, it was a big weight off my shoulder, specially since I have two 
friends who have found out they have kidney cancer just since I found out about 
my cysts.. That was scary, Chuck

Also, I had an appt with my pain management doc this morning and there was a 
flea market on the way home. My wife and I stopped and there was a guy selling 
all sorts of mostly bass lures, but he had lead split shot, hooks etc. He had 
hooks from size, say , 6/0 all the way down to size 16. I picked up a cpl bags 
of the 16's that he had for only a dollar a bag, and each bag has at least 50 
hooks in it. He says that he has plenty more at home and will start bringing 
more of the small ones, so that will give me a source of inexpensive hooks. I 
don't know the brand, but they are bronze Nymph hooks. They will catch a 
bluegill that's for sure LOL and I plan to do a LOT more fishing this year than 
I did last year. Last year I took the boat out three times and fished at the 
local city park lake from the bank about three times, and I am going through 
withdrawals  :):):)
  The guy had at least 10 bags of size 10's today as well for a buck a bag, but 
I just bought 500 each of 10's and 12's this past March. If anybody needs 
certain hooks,let me know and I'll try to pick them up for just the actual cost 
of the hooks plus postage. 

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