Nick Runarsson is just fine. His life has taken a sharp turn and today
his life is a contrast to the life he had a couple of months ago. Nick
has gotten a 'real' job, first one since Emerson Energy took their stuff
and moved to China 2002(!). Since then his life has been coaching
classes, shitty "activation jobs" and so on, for scrap money. The last
one was a one he enjoyed, at the municipality's Economy Department... as
application developer and local computer support. He did his job so good
so they didn't want his "activation bosses" to move him somewhere
else... and they hired him and put him in the role of super user in two
of his municipality's biggest IT projects. From the mud and up into the
clouds... just like that. A long time of unemployment can truely chew
down ones self-confidence. "Noone wants me. Maybe I'm not that good
after all."
It also made a difference in his paycheck, that's around 150% of the one
a couple of months ago. The first one came in the end of September...
almost by the time the lightning struck and killed his backup computer.
His main computer had already crashed and he was back on the
"backup-backup". But now it wasn't a disaster, and a week later he had a
new one that he absolutely loves... a Lenovo notebook... and now he can
work lying on the sofa. Yep. That will have to be the negative part
about his job. It's all on servers he can access from home... and time
has showed several times, that he often enjoys his job a little too much
for his own good. But this time he at least has the children who
constantly disturb him. LOL
The bicycle accident was nothing. A few days of limping and then he was
back. The police didn't surprise in their decision either. Since
everything else seems to be going his way, of course she was to blame
for the accident too. So next week he will get even more money... which
will come nicely timed to his "Swedish Invasion" trip to New Jersey in
November. (The theme of this year's International Fly-Tying Symposium:
Swede It Is'.)
No, nothing wrong with Nick Runarsson. Today he's the last one to worry
about.  :o)

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: [] För
Wes Wada
Skickat: den 9 oktober 2011 05:17
Till: VFB Mail
Ämne: [VFB] How is Nic Runnarson?

Hi VFB, 

Has anyone heard from Nic Runnarson in Sweden?  Last he posted, he had
been part of a serious auto-bicycle accident.  

Hope you are doing fine, Nic, and the future is looking up for you and
the family.

Wes Wada
Bend, Oregon

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