*Sean -*
*I use lead wire substitute for weight.  It really isn't all that more
expensive than the regular lead wire, comes in the same sizes, and doesn't
need to be coated with head cement to avoid bleed through.
Joe Fusco, Sr.
Member of The Missouri Trout Fishermen’s Association, The International
Brotherhood of the Flymph and The Virtual Fly Box


Reply to: jfusc...@gmail.com*

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Sean McGee <sean....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know lead is taboo in some fly circles, (so don't eviscerate me,
> lol) but to get an even heavier fly beyond the bead, I've been tying
> in some lead before I wrap the marabou.
> This is a great, easy fly to tie, and best of all, doesn't require a
> lot of exotic materials. Didn't know it had been tied in this way
> before! (The closest thing I saw to it was the Guadalupe Green I saw
> on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2WMh4G0dXk).
> *

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