I have read, with interest, these many posts.  My one concern, and that
which I feel has not been addressed, is the basic education of the children
with regard to their behavior.  There seems to be, underlying all these
problems, a basic lack of inculcation of values of what is correct, right
to do in a society, such as help each other, and what is absolutely
wrong..like harming another.  Thus the rise of bullying and this type of
terrorism..the " I only count"  mentality.  Is there not some way we could
stop this problem, at its roots, if this were done from an early age?  I
know of "mental illness" and have worked in this field, but have found,
underneath much of this " I for me only" mentality,  a basic lack of
 knowledge of feeling for others.  How do we address this problem? Joyce

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