On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 around 09:33:12 +1300, Glenn Ramsey wrote:
> I am getting different results when using different applications
> to capture images from a video camera and I wonder if anyone can
> help me sort out what might be wrong.
> Using xawtv (3.12) or broadcast2000 the captured image seems to
> have every other line shifted both vertically and horizontally by
> a few pixels where there is motion.  Using an old version of
> xtvscreen that came with bttv 6.4 this problem does not exist and
> the captured image looks OK. 

Strange, the only time a saw this was on my Zoran driver, which
at that time grabbed the bottom field of frame <n> and the top
field of frame <n+1>. This resulted in motion blur.

Maybe you have a similar problem? VSYNC polarity reversed or so?

But what do I know, I just do zoran :)

    Met vriendelijke groet,
        Pauline Middelink
GPG Key fingerprint = 2D5B 87A7 DDA6 0378 5DEA  BD3B 9A50 B416 E2D0 C3C2
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