So here's why Mefeedia supports rel="payment" now (since this morning ;).

When an aggregator aggregates video, and when it displays then those
videos to users, it is still taking the bandwidth from the author.
That's the difference with text. We don't embed the entire 8M movie in
the RSS feed.

So I feel a video aggregator *should* do whatever they can to get the
authors some $$.

OK, apart from that, the "donate" link only shows up if you use the
tag. You could easily only ask donations for movies you spend a lot of
time on. Or you could ask for donations to go to a good cause you
like. Or yo u don't have them. The point is, you, as the videoblogger,
are in control. Aggregators just support this. We don't even want a
cut (in contrast with the other payment schemes being developed by
iTunes, ...).

So it's all optional :)

Anyways, to have a look, go to (it'll ask you to log in if
you're not already). That's Jay's feed, with his post about this. He
added the code to his post (click on the first video). So you'll see
this text: "Like this movie? Support this videoblogger", with a link
to Jay's support page.

Is that gonna subvert the videobloggers? I don't know. It's hot cool



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