Hi Raymond, and thank you for you great reply!  : )  I really
appreciate it  : )

I am noticing as I've worked through the night that ourmedia.org and
even my yahoo mail are acting a little slow, "driving me crazy
too"...and maybe all these weather storms and high heat are causing
problems.  I did get my movies uploaded at ourmedia but it took 2-3
days of trying...I didn't know about the files that you mentioned
possibly being only partially uploaded...I will keep this email with
your replies...

icsn2202 @yahoo.com

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "R. Kristiansen"
> On 7/25/05, icsn2202 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After the last 2 days I get error 550: can't create directory;
> > exists when I try uploading to ourmedia.org...have posted to
> > forum as well as emailed them directly...anyone know how to get
> > error stopped so I can upload 2 of my movies???
> Firstly, as regulars to this list and regular users of Ourmedia
> know - things are buggy. Ourmedia is, in fact, Still in alpha
> development. One should think such things were easy as pie to fix,
> I suppose not (I am not a coder geek so I wouldn't know).
> I suggest you try upload with the Ourmedia publisher:
> http://www.ourmedia.org/tools
> Remember that you need a description with more than 6 words, and
> to give your two movies a different name. The "file exists" part
> indicates that somehow the file-names were uploaded, but the files
> themselves were not fully uploaded OR are up on the Internet
> but have not been visible on Ourmedia for reasons of borg. Try
> at the Internet Archive (www.archive.org) for your files. If they
> there, you could try link to the media files directly from your
> So: Try upload again, with the publisher, one movie at the time,
> a different file-name, and remember to cross your fingers :)
> Then, there is the question of Customer Support at Ourmedia. Yes,
> things are slow in that department, and we (I am associated with
> Ourmedia as a moderator) are trying to improve that, but we only
> as many volunteers with spare time as we do.. So I guess posting to
> the bug report section of the Forums is your best bet, or, you can
> course also e-mail me personally (since you are on this list; I am,
> just like Jay Dedman, available for questions and comments) at
> raymondmk at gmail dot com.
> > Anyone got any other ideas?  Any other archiving places we can
> > upload our movies to??  free??  : )
> Other free options? Well, a few weeks back I did a first look at
> www.castpost.com - http://www.screenvlog.com/?p=10 - and there are
> also some other options out there. I cannot remember others than
> www.blogmatrix.com off the top of my head, but Blogmatrix isn't
> exactly free, I am afraid.
> You could also use the DLTQ free hosting solution, but I have yet
> see how many more people I can offer this to (Josh Leo! Your movies
> are just too darned popular! ;)).
> Thing is, there are loads of people here with hosting solutions,
> if all else fails you could get hosting from a friendly soul on
> mailing list. E-mail me privately if you are interested in a
> dltq.org/yourname folder where you can host some movies.
> > Also, anyone have experience with embedding RealPlayer to their
> > website?  I have having problems writing metafile to direct
> > RealPlayer on my site to read movie files stored on my website at
> > http://www.electmagnetic.net on the last page, movie viewer.  Has
> > anybody got any experience with embedding a player for their
> > on their website??  Maybe Windows Media or WinAmp player
embedded on
> > their site?  I'm at icsn2202 @yahoo.com where I will for sure get
> > anyone's answer(s)....thanks
> Sorry, I have No Clue about RealPlayer or Real movies apart from
> fact that I avoid watching Real content as much as possible. hate
> format. It's a chemistry thing.
> Good luck.
> Best,
> Raymond M. Kristiansen
> http://dltq.org


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