Hey all,

www.mefeedia.com has been down quite a lot lately. I know very well
that Peter is working on it and there is no need to worry, but still:
I hope mefeedia gets back up Soon. I want to get addicted to quoting,
and experimenting with that further.

On another note, Peter, isn't it true that you mefeedia would welcome
more volunteer coders? I am not a coder myself, so I cannot help out
in that way, but maybe someone else on this list would like to help
out in the creation of 'bloglines for video'? I guess Peter also would
accept donations towards buying coder time, if anyone have any $
hanging around, but I guess it is up to Peter to confirm whether that
is actually the case :)

In either case: I am really excited about the recent upgrades of
mefeedia, and I look both forward to the site working again, and
future versions.


Raymond M. Kristiansen

Individual Fireant


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