Thanks guys ... I've fixed it. :-)

--- In, Joshua Kinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> RSS is not an archive format.
> It is used to provide recent updates to your site.
> This often means that it contains something like
> the most recent 15-30 entries on your weblog.

> As for the <description> elements, yes you can include the full text
> of your entries there.

Thanks, Josh.  I knew it wasn't meant to archive ... I just ... failed
to make is something other than that :-P

--- In, Clint Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow, dude.  That feed is fucking huge.
> I think you've missed the entire point of RSS.

So I've heard.  :-P  No, I haven't missed the entire point - my goal
was to allow for subscriptions ... I just implimented it poorly. 

>  Have you used an RSS Aggregator?  Check out Bloglines
> ( 

Yeah, I have and my feeds have always worked in them.  My feed
validated ... I just failed to realize it wasnt required to provide a
fuller listing.

> RSS is a mechanism of distributing information about new updates to
a site (with the number of posts arbitrarily picked by the publisher,

Sweet.  The last part there was the part I was missing.  I just
followed the structure as defined on the web how-to I had when
building my feed.  Unfortunately it didnt say "typically you should
limit the feed to 10-20 posts" ... and so I didnt. :-P

> I limit mine to the last 20 posts, including
> full text of the postings in the content:encoded tag.

Excellent thanks!


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