On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 05:20:19 +0200, Michael Sullivan 

> so whats next.... making a rhizome generator so users can customize the 
> xml
> name and location?
> i'm trying to figure how how to get rhizome script to parse variables and
> make the xml name/location dynamic.

Yes, that would be the next logical step. Right now any tracks are 
variable since they are stored in the XML file. The location of the XML 
file itself has to be hardcoded, sadly.

Someone on this list had the idea of getting around this by putting the 
location of the XML file in a text track that quicktime can read (and then 
parse the XML). That'll be my next step.

Of course text tracks are a pain in the ass to work with for the average 
joe. You have to create it - that part can be automated, but it has to be 
pasted into the movie manually using Quicktime Pro.

- Andreas
Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.


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