I'm getting a lot of inquires from these types of companies.

The more interesting ones come from representatives of these companies
who say that they are in development of a videoblogging
tool/site/add-on, and they want to get input from the community on how
best to design/develop/customize their product to meet the needs of the
videoblogging community.

I always suggest that they join the group and start a video blog if
they haven't already.

I'm helping to Beta test a lot of products right now, the main ones are
vblogcentral, FireANT and Akimbo.  I'm talking with one company that
wants to produce a weekly videoblog and another that wants to help put
video ads on blogs, split the revenue with videobloggers and provide
free hosting.

Apple has also contacted me to hear how I use their tools to create
videoblogs and want me to provide feedback on what types of things that
videobloggers would want to see in future products.

The two main things I told them were:

1. A button in iMovie to automatically publish web compressed video to
a blog
2. A video blog category in the iTunes store ;-)

On Aug 8, 2005, at 5:00 AM, R. Kristiansen wrote:

> I expect that we will see a lot of instances like "Hello, I am from
> Warner Bros, I have been observing this community for months now, and
> we will now be launching X concept".

Home Page - http://stevegarfield.com
Video Blog  - http://stevegarfield.blogs.com
Text Blog     - http://offonatangent.blogspot.com

Like Paul Revere, leading the citizen's media revolution.


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