>> Personally, I think that quote above tells me your looking at this 
>>  whole thing as a means to make a buck.  In my opinion this dooms you 
>>  to a life of producing complete and utter bullshit.

>  Is it true?

>>  My guess is that there are people who start with the desire to make bags of
>> cash, and then cast around for whatever content they think will earn them
>> the most. And then there are people who are artistically passionate and
>> create because they can't help themselves, and would do so if they had no
>> audience, but end up making filthy lucre because millions love their work.

>  Can you tell which content is which when you consume it?

i wish some of the people in this conversation would answer Charles'
great comment.
the fact is that some new guy spammed the group with an email (it was
sent to other groups as well).
he says "im thinking about making a videoblog...how can i get money"?
id like people to give a direct answer like verdi did.
it is, you got to admit, a funny way to approach videoblogging.

i sent out an email this week saying that there are two kinds of
videoblogs emerging:
--people who want to take on Mainstream Media with similar formats,
but different distribution, stealing away the huge funding behind it
--people who are just making videoblogs becasue they are documenting
life and their ideas.

and as was pointed out to me, there are lots of exceptions and overlaps.
but the way that Rocket Boom's Andrew Baron and Erin of Mom's Brag
Blog approach videoblogging are different.
and both are valid and exciting.

with this two-pronged approach, MainStream media doesnt have a chance.
unless they coopt this exact approach.
("hey guys, MTV will pay you 300$ a month to make your videoblog as
long as you use these MTV things in your videos." dont laugh.)

we need to make sure those people as creative as Andrew can create
shows to pull people away from the bullshit in traditional media...AT
THE SAME TIME let people who just want to share videos with their
family know their work is important.

So if you want to discuss alteernative business models, shoot.
me and some others have created the rel="payment" system.
what i personally do not want is us to forget that CONTENT is the most
important thing.

how much money anyone makes in videoblogging does not say how
important your work or dedication is.


Fun fact: the remake of the "Dukes of Hazzard" TV show is the top
movie this week at 30.6 million dollars...



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