> Hi I am new here, I have a couple of basic questions
> Which open source videoblogging platform would
> anyone
> recommend?

If your looking for a Blogging software to run on your
own server.  I can't recommend
http://www.b2evolution.net enough.  It is easy for the
novice and fully customizable for the expert.  The
whole thing is written in PHP, and uses "Skins" it
very easy to customize the "look & feel" of your site,
although it does take a simple modification to support
enclosures (a single file replacement).  It supports
unlimited number of Blogs each one with it's own RSS
Feed, and with the skins each one can have it's own
look and feel.  And my personal favorite the backend
is MySQL making it easy to backup and restore in case
of a disaster.

> Does anyone have a vlog that is a thumbnail gallery
> page that onlick loads a new page for comments?

The MeFeedia site would do that for you although it
doesn't sound to hard to write one up.

> Which pc editing software is the best?

For video editing on the PC on the one extreme is
Microsoft Movie Maker included free with XP Service
Pack 2 is certainly enough for what most people are
looking for but it has it's limitations.  The other
extreme is Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 that comes with a
bit of a price tag.  I would suggest Microsoft Movie
Maker if your a novice at video editing, although if
you have some time to kill you can download a free 30
day preview of Premiere on the Adobe Website and there
are some tutorials to be found through a google search
or two.  Even if you don't go with adobe because of
its HUGE price tag, the tutorials do help with
learning about video editing in general, and can be
applied to the very huge number of video editing
software package in the middle of those two extremes.

> What do people use to capture video? Is digital
> camera
> ok?

Anything is Okay, There are some using Professional
Digital video cameras, others using CameraPhones.
Most are using the consumer MiniDV video cameras, and
in that range there is a lot of variety and price
range.  And there are a lot who are using the video
function on their digital still cameras.  I did my
first vlogs with an iPAQ 3715.  I would suggest using
whatever you have and going from there.

Ultimatly, shoot with what you have, edit with what
you have, and post something...  You'll be glad you


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