around the 15/8/05 Frank Carver mentioned about Re: [videoblogging]
Video Metadata / Derivative Works that:
>So, in a situation like this, where some formats _support_ metadata,
>but it's not really used, I suggest that my original suggestion still
>has some value. Enclosure grabber programs should contain an *option*
>to add the metadata that they know from downloading the file (such as
>source and date of creation/posting) to the file in a portable way.
>Such as tagging it on to the filename.
>Or am I still missing some important point?

I think Andreas described it well :-)

the format supports it, we should have tools that fill in this
metadata in the way you describe into the media object itself. then
it can be parsed and used. it isn't being used because at the moment
no one
1. knows about it
2. realises its value

once a system reads it, people will learn to use it. Bit like Dublin
Core metadata in your html, which most blog CMS now seem to auto
generate, but before then, not a lot of us actually added this to our
pages. But it helps with a lot of stuff.
Adrian Miles


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