On 8/9/05, johngaltsjournal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I am patiently waiting for someone to make a videoblog centered around
> cheesy horror cliches while still showing us their lives.  I believe this would be best created
> by someone who lives in a grain silo deep in the Heart Of America.  If that is You, please
> go to freevlog.org and set it up posthaste.

You need to talk to Joe Bob Briggs, aka John Bloom, the world's
greatest horror movie critic. (He lives in NYC and I tried to get him
to come to vloggercon, but he didn't read my email in time.)

> I have been to Woodstock.  Not the first one, the second one.

Me, too. Neither the first nor the second one, but the school.

As for the rest of my disclosure, I've said it several times already,
and my company affiliation is in my signature. I hang out here
gathering ideas, for both personal and
professional use, and because this is a fun, creative group of people.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.straughan.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)


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