To me it will only become clear when we see what other advantages the
'little guy' has against the giants, when the giants finally arrive on
the scene.

Its clear that so far an advantage of the little independent vs the
giant is the same story of old - size. We hear tales recently that
those who work for the giants are well aware that the size of the
beast slows it down, makes it unable to siezze on new territory,
wheras the nimbler little unconstrained videobloggers dont face the
same hurdles.

I dont see how personal videoblogs will be threatened by the giants in
any way, you wont really be competing against them so theres no
competition to lose.

Videoblogs that are more along the 'show' format and that have a
mindset along the lines of actually wanting as many viewers as
possible, possibly generating revenue etc, well I guess there will be
some competition there.

Im hoping the arrival of giants will encourage more thought and
discussion on the content side of things. We have been shouting about
the advertising and control baggage that they bring will inevitably
bring with them, but looking on the positive I really hope they
encourage people to up their game when it comes to content.

The number one rason why Im not videoblogging today is content. It
seems to have become topical again recently, though I missed the
relevant video conference, Ive noticed a few recent videoblogs mention
it, and there was a good rant from Bluestein & Weagel on such matters
too recently, Im half surprised I didnt see it discussed here, there
was some good but hitting critique of this place. Prove were not a
cult by being capable of taking the piss out of ourselves, thats what
I say.

Steve of Elbows

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Markus Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As I recall of California history...
> many of the people selling goods and services to the gold miners made
> out better than the miners
> most of whom found no significant gold
> (not to say that they did not find their fortune)
> California experienced rapid growth, especially san francisco
> someone built schlomo's bar over a 100 years ago
> eventually Arnie became governor
> and now schlomo vlogs
> I'm not sure what all that means
> markus
> Steve Garfield wrote:
> >As I've heard it said before, "The pioneers got arrows in their backs
> >and the settlers got the land,":
> >
> >On Aug 21, 2005, at 11:16 AM, Randolfe Wicker wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> >>vlogging is
> >>suddenly going to seen like California was seen in the 19th
Century and
> >>there's going to be a gold rush into vlogging by people only
> >>interested in
> >>making a fast buck.
> >>
> >>Add well funded corporations into the mix and we might all be run
> >>by
> >>the stampede.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >--Steve
> > 
> >
> --
> My name is Markus Sandy and I am
> aim/ichat: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> skype: msandy


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