On 8/23/05, Michael Verdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> couple of more thought to add to the conversation
> Ryanne said it in another thread and I'm planning on saying it in the
> video conference - Node101 can be done with no money - we've been
> doing it with no money - using our own equipment and donated spaces.

Michael, how is a plane ticket from New York to San Francisco "no
money"? How is your own equipment "no money"? These things *do* cost
money. Perhaps it is money you would have spent anyway, or money you
had already budgeted for this semi-pro hobby, or money you had already
spent, but it's still money.

> The hard part is, it takes people's time to be available and teach -
> that's why I started Freevlog - to help me teach more people than I
> had time to do in person. 

Freevlog and a teach-the-teachers approach are the ways to go, I
think. We need to use the resources we have to get the word out, and
we need to use the web as effectively as possible-- we are, after all,
teaching people to put their stuff on the web, right? We need to find
local vloggers, give them the tools and resources (the "talking
points" if you will) for teaching others about vlogging.

I still maintain that a videoblogging van tour is not an efficient way
to spread the word. Locally, we have the guy driving around with
"Stephen King killed John Lennon" painted all over his van-- nobody
takes him seriously, either.


Stephanie Bryant
Vlog: http://mortaine.blogspot.com
Audioblog: http://bookramble.blogspot.com

Individual Fireant Explains


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