On 10/11/05, culturalfarmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Few vlogs communicate to me on any level.... just
visual babbling.  It concerns me that so little thought goes into concept,
content, and craft.  I LOVE the FUN, community, part of vlogging. 
Well I try to observe a very distinct difference between a vlog and a short-film/skit/episode that someone puts online.
Vlogs are all over the place as far as how much prep-work people put into them.  If it's clear the vlogger put alot of effort into showing me some place or thing it then of course I'm very appriciative of that.  If however they didn't, or its just a few shots of their cat ...  I remember that a vlog is just a blog with moving pictures and not all are meant to inspire ... some of them are going to be more ordinary and author-centric (like those home movies you were talking about) and I appricate it for the invite into that little moment of their lives that it is.
Part of the fun for me is going back and forth a bit between these and trying to figure out where I most want my vlog to land.

- Dave

Individual Fireant Typepad


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