Good god. I have no idea what to do about any of this.

I've tested QT plugins on various flavors of windows over the last few years, in IE and FireFox, and they've worked.
I don't know.

Are you aware of the problem IE has in not immediately playing QT files if they are not embedded in an html file, even with the fast start.

I think Josh wrote about this. It starts downloading the file but looks like the browser is doing nothing.
Or so I'm told.

I'm also told that iTunes will install QT on windows when it installs. The videos don't even play through that?

Videoblogging is just one endless headache.

Chris Weagel

On Nov 9, 2005, at 8:56 AM, Deirdre Straughan wrote:

On 11/9/05, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One thing I have noticed when working on windows machines that needs quicktime... and using firefox. After QT is installed, firefox tends to have problems  playing some  QT media and wants to download updates but usually fails.  This has happened to be on about 4 or 5 diff puters over past several months. Annoying as hell.  Even QT7 install failed to help. 

I second that experience. I haven't been able to watch HumanDog for this reason, much to my frustration. Other QT movies seem to work fine. Go figure.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan (personal) (work)


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