On Nov 14, 2005, at 5:46 PM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:

Randolfe Wicker wrote:

Which vlog host do you like and why?

I like Ourmedia because I'm a big fan of the idea behind it, and I think 
they do the right thing in promoting CC licensed material, and they seem 
like good guys.

I like Blip.tv for pretty much the same reasons though... I probably 
prefer Ourmedia just because they are a non-profit and I'm pretty 
confident they won't start charging for their service while with Blip.tv 
I'm guessing they will either start charging or be bought. That's not to 
say there is anything wrong with that, but I'm cheap and would prefer 
free services for video hosting. (Hey, just being honest.)

Just for the record, we don't have any plans at all to charge for basic vlogging services.


Co-founder, blip.tv


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