All commercial blogs/vlogs are not evil.  What amuses me is when a viewer watches a commercial vlog and doesn't even realize it.
There was a "Wild Girls of Thailand" vlog a few days ago with some topless nudity, etc. and which ended with a still that said: "Get the DVD @ xxxx". Actually, it was one of the "most watched" videos of the day.
This fact seemed to be missed by a couple people posting comments who only said things like the vlog was "exploitative", etc.
If vlogs like that one "paid off", we might find ourselves swamped with vlogs that were nothing more than trailers/commercials for soft porn.
Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ
----- Original Message -----
From: Jay dedman
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Porn Shmorn. Grow up! There's real life going on.

> Not all company (video)blogs are evil.

im not making a judgement on the products...i just dont want my time
hijacked by watching commercials.


Adventures in Videoblogging


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