There we go, RIchard!

Po: Video Blogging should not make money. 

What is the byproduct of that?

Your post gets to some valid points that immediately make me feel good about our prospects in maintaining control over our media and the ability to distribute it.

The idea that we can race them to the bottom, in terms of making money off of media is interesting to me. If there is no money in media then there is no sense in controlling it, is there? Of course that would mean there would have to be some kind of disincentive to spending on media. 

Rest assured that I will be trying to wrap my head around that.

of money and the origin of this thread:
My original post was not intended to say that we should all be making money off of vlogging. In fact, I strenuously disagree with that statement. My point was that the only options available are advertisement and sponsorship, and that those are what has led us to this point in media; where the customers of the media, corporations, use the media to pull the wool over an unsuspecting public's eyes. Why do we only allow these options for funding to be reasonable. 

If we move to a sponsorship/advertising economic model, we will fall right into that system. They will hold the coin purse which will give them control over the barriers for entry, which will leave us in exactly the same place we started. 

rambling... sorry... but that is the point of this, isn't it?

On Jan 6, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Richard Bennett-Forrest wrote:

Working out ways to making videoblogging pay, is like working out a
way to make sitting at home playing dominos pay.*

It's the same with any amateur creative endeavour, in a short period
of time, new people end up with an inflated sense of self worth. In
our community, its because of a false equation that "we" are the same
as big media. i.e. they make content, they make money; I make
content, so I should make money.

Perhaps the equation should be: I make content, I don't make money;
they make content, so they shouldn't make any either.

With more and more free content coming out by the day, perhaps
instead of asking how to make money, people should either go and work
for a big media content provider (while they still exist), or have a
big long rational think about why they're videoblogging in the first
place, and ask the question: what's so special about me that someone
would want to pay me money?


* Somewhere in the world, there are a dozen or so domino players
making less than enough to live off. I'd prefer to get a real job.

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