my grammar sucked in that post :)
I am rushing to leave work... my excuse.


On 1/11/06, Michael Sullivan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm looking to talk about this whole ratings business... I'm referring to top lists etc... not parental filters and all that.

On VLOGDIR, for most of its life i have not enabled ratings.  I toyed with it for a while using a simple 1-5 scale and it was referred to as Karma.
Any rating was a positive rating and would help bubble the entry up to more exposure (If I displayed a top list which I didnt)

Today, I had a thought.... this came after thinking of really complex rating algorithms. 

Here is what I decided to implement as an experiment....

Screw 5 Stars.

On VLOGDIR, you can either Like a vlog, Love a vlog or Just Leave it alone.
If more people vote that they Love a vlog, then the entry will simply state that...
you guessed it...

"People LOVE this vlog" (based on x votes).  LOVE is red color fonted.

If more people voted that they just Like the vlog... then it will say so.

All else can choose to instead leave a comment on that entries VLOGDIR permalink if they have some feedback.

After some time, I could list the entries that have received either of these votes and which received the most votes despite the rating.

Later, I can also experiment by adding other variables to the equation such as how many hits the vlog received...
I can also add a series of custom rating scales per entry... like a 1-5 for entertainment value and 1-5 for technical skill etcetera....
I could also include Feedburner metrics into the equations.
Also, I could let people rate each individual video in a vlog, thus giving greater weight to the vlog itself.
These votes can all get incorporated into some Master Top List (I cant believe i just typed that).

Let's get back the basic point of this message and that is to let you know that if you can rate vlogs at with a LIKE or a LOVE... or LEAVE IT please.

Let's try it out... see who bubbles up. 

Suggestions?  Feedback?  Bugs?

Thanks all.

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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Videoblog Directory - Free Videoblog Hosting / Vlogosphere Aggregator - on again off again personal vlog

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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Videoblog Directory - Free Videoblog Hosting / Vlogosphere Aggregator - on again off again personal vlog

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