On 2/8/06, trine berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rupert got me into videoblogging, he was great. 

what about ian mills (05 project), are you still around??

When I met Ian back in October, he was about to start college (media studies) AND a job (at a video store). I suspect he hasn't had time. And, having done a video a day all last year, I think he's entitled to a rest!

Re. fadeout, one thing that helps me is not restricting myself to a single form of _expression_. I don't always have time to do video (or even edit footage I already have), sometimes I write (which is really my main skill), sometimes I photograph (or would, if my camera hadn't broken...). My regular visitors seem to like the variety, and it also keeps me fresh. Some topics are better/more easily/more efficiently expressed in one medium than another. For example, I write opinion pieces, but I don't think my face and voice are so fascinating that people would want to look at a video of me reading those pieces. I'm not an actor, and the passion is already in the words. My videos reveal a different side of me, I suppose.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

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