Hi Guys

I know that I probably started this all wrong and got caught up in my own self doubt, but now is the time for all good gentlemen(or women) to come to the aid of the party.  I have started a collaboration with many vloggers both here and in the States or Canada to do a vlogging charity fund raiser.  It started off as a little thing but has grown into a bigger thing.

I have the advice of Bill Streeter, the GOD amongst men of lofistl, and the sage wisdom of Bev Sykes.  The Technical Know how of SocialNinja and the sexiness and lets face it, talent of Mskitka.
The basic loveliness of Kitykity, and the awesome editing talent which is Conrad Slater, amongst others to create the first vlogging charity thingy mi jig, for the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre.

I am looking for able bodied people to help out with this project.  It needs be 30 seconds long, the size of an advert.  To highlight and entertain and educate as to what Multiple Sclerosis can do to an able bodied person.  

The synopsis is this, 30 seconds of symptoms, from basics to high level "let's call the doctor," kinda HELP!

a list of the symptoms can be found at:
Physical symptoms may include any of the following:

  • Muscle and Motor Disturbances including: loss of control of one or more limbs; swallowing difficulties; inability to perform fine movements - e.g. doing up buttons, tying shoe laces etc; Legs or arms may suddenly go into spasm which is often painful, and walking may become very difficult when sticks or a wheelchair may be necessary.
  • Loss of Co-ordination & Spasticity including: vertigo; ataxia; staggering; clumsiness (spilling and dropping things).
  • Fatigue including: intense desire for rest affecting motor and/or sensory nerves; dizziness.
  • Visual including: retro-bulbar (behind the eye ball) & optic neuritis (inflammation of the nerve); nystagmus (rhythmical oscillation of the eye balls, either horizontal, vertical or rotary); double or blurred vision (a common first symptom); temporary blindness.
  • Sensory including: impairment of sensory perception; loss of feeling, numbness, tingling; different degrees and kinds of pain.
  • L'hermittes sign is an electric shock-like sensation which radiates down the back and into the legs when someone flexes their neck. It is a common early symptom of MS. In itself it is not a diagnostic however. It simply indicates a particular type of nerve damage, for which there are a variety of causes.
  • Bladder & Bowel including: frequency; urgency; retention; constipation; incontinence.
  • Speech including: slurring; scanning.
  • Psychological - cognitive problems -  including: loss of memory and mental concentration; depression.
  • Sexual including: loss of sensation and/or lubrication; impotence.
  • Pain is one of the lesser known symptoms of MS which, now at long last, is being acknowledged and treated.
  • Depression and Anxiety can also be associated with MS.
  • Multiple Sclerosis "Hug" or "Girdle" - This is the term for one of the rather strange and weird symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis which can be classed as one of the many invisible symptoms but also as a spasm-type symptom.

Symptoms can become more pronounced when the MS is active and may lessen or disappear again when the MS is quiet. In some people, symptoms fluctuate when the person is tired, upset or anxious.

Emotional difficulties arise from the uncertainties associated with MS as the unpredictability of the disease means that no one knows when or how it is going to strike.

The disease is usually characterised by attacks followed by periods of recovery ( relapsing/remitting type of MS) although each attack tends to leave some residual problems.

Their is an e-mail sent out to everyone who signs up a 10 Ways To Blag MS page which my wife a sufferer of MS can tell you about.

I wish to include as many people who frequent this site involved, and rest assured all who submit will be sown in the final donate here version.  This will raise recognition of the illness as well as videoblogging.  Anyone interested should e-mail me direct at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Love be with you all

Paul Knight

Do yourself a favour and Visit my Vlog



It's worth a laugh and (mostly) work friendly.

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