bumping this back up as a reminder about your wife's birthday videos

here's my video Richard


hope you and all the other vloggers enjoy Austin and SxSW

Richard Show wrote:
This is just a friendly reminder to video bloggers everywhere, about a note I sent Sunday, where I requested short clips for my wife's birthday ... I've already got some great ones, but the more the merrier!

original message from this past sunday, 12th ****

Videoblogging buddies, pals, colleagues, and all around nice and wonderful people,

Tuesday, March 13 is Richard's Wife's (Maureen's) birthday.

On March 13 I will be at SXSW in Austin cavorting with videobloggers, while my poor wife will be in Rolla, left to celebrate her birthday by her lonesome.

Of course, as you might suspect, this note isn't about her, rather it's about me and the amount of trouble I am in regarding this whole predicament, and how you can help.

So, what I am hoping is that a lot of you ... some of you ... somebody besides me ... would be willing to make a short video clip wishing my wife a happy birthday and maybe even mentioning something about how her husband loves her ... of course, if you want to be really cool and add something else interesting or funny or otherwise creative, which is the way of videobloggers, feel free to do that, but just a "happy birthday richard's wife" would be really great, and would go a long way to helping Richard, which is, of course, everyone's goal in life ... or should be ...

If you could send a url to me, where this clip is posted, by Saturday morning, March 10, then I will put all the clips together into something and post it on the Richard Show as a surprise present for my wife on the 13th. I will be in Austin Friday evening, and my cheap hotel is supposed to have wireless, so I'm hoping I can put something together some time around the convention stuff on the weekend, or at least by Tuesday. If you go to the trouble of making any sort of clip, I will definatley include it. You can certainly say something about your vlog and put a url for that and, in fact, it might be cooler if you do. And I'm thinking I will be in far less trouble after I post this.

I would be really most very appreciative to you and forever grateful. One other thing, in case you make some masterpiece and you feel like posting it on your vlog, I would prefer that you wait until after the 13th - that you would put it up on the web somewhere besides your vlog with your feed, because I subscribe to a lot of your vlogs and I sit around lots of evenings watching vlogs on the TV and Maureen often watches with me. Luckily, she doesn't subscribe to the Yahoo group, so I'm hoping it will be a surprise.

I know it's short notice - only a week - but, if you do this thing for me, I can guarentee you massivly stupendus kharma (not the mention exposure to the vast multitude that is the Richard Show audience - ok, maybe not exactly vast, but the kharma thing is for sure).

... your most humble servant and fellow video blogging companion ... Richard




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