On 3/22/06, Richard Show <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Deirdre,

However, I was interested in more details about encoding .flv videos using Flash Video Encoder, since I'm starting to play around with this.

Some questions:

1) Is it better to start with a high quality DV version of the video? (I note that places like uTube and Blip are able to do it from the compressed .mov or .wmv versions).

I would assume so - the greater the quality you start with, the better chance your compression software has to do a good job. That's why I edit everything directly on the original DV files, and save out at DV quality again - makes for huge files, of course. I then compress from the DV file to SWF, FLV, M4V, and sometimes DivX (and very occasionally WMV).

2) Ideas on "prototype" settings to begin with. (Sort of like the freevlog compression tutorials, but with flash encoder).

... any info would be much appreciated, and, as I play around I share stuff ... Richard

Sorenson Squeeze comes with basic small, medium, and large settings. I usually start with medium or large, then tweak the settings, e.g. take down the audio bitrate if the audio isn't that important (or, when it's coming only from my crappy camera, isn't that great quality to begin with), or take down the video bitrate when the video isn't that demanding, e.g. head shot of someone talking - that's not going to get very artifacty even at a very low bitrate.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

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