hey, i just realized - it was a year ago *this week*

i was traveling and i didn't hear about it until april 1 and that was day 4 if I recall
i found out when i started to catch up
that was the night i started vlogging
i had not joined this list yet
i had to make my first seven vids with only 3 days left
what a blast that was

thanks to freevlog
(remember when freevlog was on blogspot?)

i still think of Charlene's great videos every time I hear that song...

...and Rene's great how-to silkscreen tee shirt videos
(I hope those are on archive.org, because her site has been replaced by a single photo and all her old links have gone 404)

what a year!!!

Andreas Haugstrup wrote:
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 21:57:03 +0200, Markus Sandy  

what a fantastic week that was

one year ago, next week

How about doing another one next week then?



Markus Sandy



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