Is anyone actually buying content for mobile phones yet?  I mean, the vast majority of mobile phone users have to pay for bandwidth, right?  And then content, on top of that...It's way to expensive for most people right now to both pay for mobile phone data charges *and* for the content itself.  I'd rather offer the content for free, being a mobile phone user frustrated with the expensiveness of wanting content but not being able to afford it on my device...
Something That Happened:
a story presented in text, sound, and video

On 4/19/06, Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- In, William Volk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This free site ... ... Automatically converts .mov,
.mpg, and
> .avi files into mobile and lets you sell them to mobile phone users.
> Check it out.

Have you read their user agreement?

If I'm reading it right, it's worse than most of the ones I've seen.
It makes no mention of you holding onto the rights of any content you
upload - instead, it talks about them holding onto the rights:

Service. You may use the Service only in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and any amendments as well as any
additional terms that may be presented in connection with any
particular feature or function of the Service from time to time.
The Service is for your personal use. You understand and agree that
you may not transmit or re-transmit, broadcast or re-broadcast or make
any commercial use of the Service, including the Downloads and
Subscriptions. For example, you may not copy or distribute the Service
or the Downloads or the Subscriptions in any manner not expressly
authorized by the Service.
You may not attempt (or authorize, encourage or support others'
attempts) to circumvent, reverse engineer, decrypt, break or otherwise
alter or interfere with the Service, including the Downloads and the
Subscriptions. You agree to advise MyNuMo promptly of any such
unauthorized use(s) or attempt(s).

Downloads and Subscriptions. You understand and acknowledge that the
Downloads and Subscriptions made available as part of the Service are
owned by MyNuMo, its business partners, affiliates and/or licensors,
as applicable, and are protected by intellectual property laws. MyNuMo
grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right
to download the Downloads and Subscriptions to your compatible device
solely for your own non-commercial use. You understand and agree that
you may not download, reproduce, modify, display, perform, transfer,
distribute or otherwise use the Downloads or Subscriptions except as
expressly provided in this Agreement. You understand and agree that
you may not authorize, encourage or allow any Downloads or
Subscriptions used or obtained by you to be reproduced, modified,
displayed, performed, transferred, distributed or otherwise used by
any other party, and you agree that you will take all reasonable steps
to prevent any unauthorized reproduction and/or other use of them.

Sounds pretty horrible to me - again, unless I'm reading this wrong.
Workmen are drilling and hammering next door - not the best
environment for interpreting legalese.




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