On 5/7/06, Deirdre Straughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But let's not kid
ourselves that a neutral net will save the world.

I never said net neutrality would save the world, I said it would limit our means to continue to try and speak out and educate that world.

I never said it would sif american schools or teach high schoolers where India is on a map ... I never said it would increase 'world interest' ... I said without it we loose one of our last 'free' publication mediums with wich to try and fix those problems.  Can the net do that ... maybe.  Today? No.  Tomorrow?  Maybe ... ONLY if we get net neutrality on the books.

Yes I listed some worst case night mare scenerios .. are they likely ... I dont know .. the simple fact is that they are possible without net neutrality on the books.

It is in everyones best interest to get net neutrality on the books ... no matter where in the world they are.

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