I suspect it's going to play out both ways as "citizen video" continues to grow.

1. Yes, the medium will be invaded by the usual pretty people because all humans are "lookist" - part of that is genetic and will never be entirely eradicated, part of it is culture - so there's some hope.

2. However, because we can self-publish, Just Plain Folks can also put themselves in front of the camera and some of them will have a hook that draws us in and we'll watch them even if they aren't pretty. I hope that as a result we'll all subconsciously get used to the idea that you don't have to be gorgeous to be worth watching, and lookism will tone down in the general culture. After all, we already watch lots of famous people who aren't particularly attractive because they are instead funny or talented.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

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